New Discourse Member Orientation

We’re a community of volunteers passionate about making things!

If you’re new around here, create a new topic to introduce yourself over here and feel free make a topic about Projects you’re working on. In progress projects are welcome and you never know who else might have similar interests!

We have a very active Discourse community here that people can participate in whether or not they’re a member of the Makerspace. Join the Membership Queue. When you joined Discourse, you were sent a message from “chattykathy” with a link to the pre-membership survey. Make sure to fill that out to start the process of joining the makerspace!

It can be quite helpful to turn on email notifications for when someone tries to contact you directly by using your @username tag. This can be found in Preferences -> Emails -> Send me an email when someone quotes me, replies to my post, mentions my @username, or invites me to a topic

After you’ve joined and paid up, check out the New Makerspace Member guide.

In the mean time, check out the List of the Tools in the Space. Each tool page explains the induction process to be able to use it.