Metal lathe out of service

@metaltechs @lewisss reported a knocking sound and new member and engineer Andy Tidman investigated…

Main drive shaft bearing is gone and needs replacing – it’s going to cause expensive damage to the lathe if it’s continued to be used in this state.


  • Slipway oil needed

  • Suds pump biocide needed.

Have we ordered a new bearing?

No, I should probably have pushed to identify the part number – but there was a lot going on that night.

Anything I can do to help? Would like to use the lathe - happy to service it as well

You experienced in the lathe? Then get onboard!

First thing is to get the part(s?) for the bearing

Any trusted suppliers for this?

Somewhat, but I’ve replaced the main bearing in my own lathe back in the States.

Could you remind me of the make/model of the lathe and I’ll get a bearing ordered?

Colchester Bantam

See Spare parts pdf at bottom of Tools page.


Does anyone have the serial number to hand?

@platinumnqueen22 @Howard @lewisss have opened the door recently, they might be able to find it

No serial number I can find but maybe identify from these

The bottom right small shaft is the one that requires bearings

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Check of course with @metaltechs before undertaking and work/servicing on the lathe

Will be great to get this working again – then get some inductions going…

Looking at wrong end. It should be at the tailstock end. If you can’t see it there, try moving the tailstock to see if it’s hidden underneath.

Nothing here

Andy also said that we require slipway oil, new suds, and a biocides for the suds tank

photos also give the impression that the old girl could do with a bit of a rubdown and a coat of paint in places…

Well it’d be nice. Here’s a youtube series where a couple of guys teardown our exact lathe and refurbish it.

Lovely result :slight_smile:

I’d be more interested to know the condition of the actual mechanics. eg are the ways/cross slide flat and level?


I’ll come round this evening and try to find the serial number. Believe that Colchester are actually still around, but in Yorkshire.

Spoke to Colchester, they have parts in stock but just need the serial number.

Probably run about £250 I’d imagine

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Did you ask them where it is?