We have a fair bit of blackboard space in the space…
Guitar Building and Maintenance Group
In the absense of a response as yet, and because I am super excited to attend another session, I am taking it upon myself to advertise the session on the blackboard! I hope this is okay @SquareFeet! I’m happy to be responsible for it if anything changes for you. Session on the board for this Monday 10th at 7pm!
I haven’t got around to making a post for the design session on the 10th, but it’s a great idea to put it up on the blackboard, thank you!
There was some discussion at previous @luthiers gathering about Steinberger-style “headless” guitars. This came from the Guitar Nerds FB group today:
Is that weird or what? Any @luthiers up for a challenge ?
This must be in the running for the most expensive new (i.e. not vintage or celebrity owned) electric guitar available @joeatkin2 - $8000+ a pop!