Film screenings at the Makerspace?

Hi Alex,

All the screenings are free.

To me the best of it would be for it to integrate us locally, be something that relates to making or other strong interests of our members, and uses our ingenuity to make it more than just a venue with a screen and projector crammed in.

So local film makers actors etc idea is perfect. If they had a maker/tech slant that would be great.

Anyone know Richard Ayoade personally…?

6 degrees of separation must work here somehow :wink:

Sounds good, in which case I’d recommend producer David Parfitt who lives
nearby. I know him quite well, lovely and very talented guy. Ayoade
generally hates speaking publicly- particularly about himself / his
craft. Mark Rylance lives nearby so Ayoade might agree to i/v him- that’s
more up his street. It’s all blue sky thinking though - if we can provide a
youth angle / charitable angle and some kind of practical workshop
appropriate to the film, they’d be more inclined to give up their time.
Another possible depending on date is Michael Berliner - new producer who
has just made his first feature ‘Adult Life Skills’ which is playing in
TriBeCa. Not sure if he’ll be able to show it until it’s been more widely
seen though.


Tim’s Vermeer is already taken!

Have a look at what else is on:

Some site/theme specific stuff

That is the schedule from last year?

Ahh… Something seemed wrong!

Two films have been mentioned to me:

Rosie the Riveter

And The Flying Scotsman (about the cyclist well made his own bikes)

I’ve had these recommended:

My left foot is pretty grim.

I quite enjoyed safety not guaranteed. It’s a bit whacky though, and the relationship between the protagonists errs very much on the creepy end of the spectrum.

I loved Safety Not Guaranteed

I think it’s on the Netflix though, so maybe not so much of a great draw for people?

We just need to make a decision.

Well I think we can say yes to Fridays in May can’t we?

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I’ve asked for deadlines.

Till then let’s keep coming up with ideas.

I’m asking a couple of documentary makers if they have anything. Plus I’m meeting a guy in the morning who is keen to support.

Alex: we can go for the youth angle. I guess we need to decide if that’s something we want to do? Personally I’m in favour of that for at least one evening.

I have links to a youth group in Tooting, if we go down that route.

This sounds cryptic and exciting in equal measure.

It does…not sure it will come to anything though…


We have our deadline from the festival organisers…

They need to know what dates and which films we are after by the end of next week.

So we have 7 days.

It seems like any contributions we can make with projection or sound equipment will be a plus for us as they’re allocating limited resources.

I understand my little won’t be up to the task.

Shall we turn all the films mentioned on this thread I to some kind of mega poll and go from there?

I like a good poll, me.

Maybe… I’m not sure that a poll is right for this.