Proposed (confirmed!) use of Makerspace for AstroPi Autism and Tourettes friendly sessions

Last week we had a visit from mother and son RaspPi fans/educators/users Grace and Femi Owolade.

They are behind this great project:

Femi, who is 11 and a very impressive character, was being filmed for a short documentary about his involvement with RasPi and its impact on him.

We chatted about how the Makerspace might work together with them and now have a request from them use the clean room to run three AstroPi workshop events, which would be Autism and Tourettes friendly, and aimed specificailly at young people (I’ll get more specific details soon)

Sundays: January22nd, 29th, and February 5th, from 1:45- 3.30 p.m.

Are there any objections to this? We’d also need at least one member per session to be present, so are looking for volunteers.


+10 from me

Happy to host as well, at least one day :slight_smile:

Zeo objections here :slight_smile:
Zero volunteering also, though :frowning:

Sam and I would like to help out on at least one of the sessions too.

She has class sets of AstroPi kits if that helps.

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Will look at the dates but i’m in too - we have loads of Pi’s in the space - shall I order some basic memory cards for them anyway (not supplied when we blagged them) and then they are good to go ?


The AstroPi kit includes a Sense hat which has an 8x8 led display, accelerometer, joystick and goodness knows what else.

Femi and his mum have probably got it all sorted anyway!

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oh! sounds cool! I’m in as well :smiley:

Sounds good, will be happy to help.

Some great responses, so I’ve said yes to Grace.

So: we need a member to be on hand to open up and close up and generally be there (and lend a hand where needed) for the following three Sundays:

  • 22nd January

  • 5th February @Courty

  • 12th February @RichM, Sam and Luke )

The event runs from 13:45 to 15:30 so allow yourself some set up and pack up time.

These sessions are aimed at 9 to 15 year olds (with some flexibility)

Linky link

The aim is to develop a project to be taken to the International Space Station:

SLRJam has submitted a brief outline for the European Space Agency’s Astro Pi 2017 competition and we’ve got through to the next round. We would like you to join us for a series of workshops to form a team to look at the Raspberry Pi and Sense HAT.

This is a WiKi so if you are available to help on any of these dates please edit your name in. Alternatively discuss availability below.


@RichM Grace says that an extra AstroPi kit would be most welcome!

Cool. We could also bring some other bits and pieces - one of Sam’s students won the last AstroPi competition and send his code into space with Tim Peake. Sadly we can only make the last session though.


So 12th of February is covered by @RichM and family!

We need a member present for the other two sessions (you don’t necessarily need to take part in the event, but for legal and common sense reasons a member needs to be there)

The session runs from 1:45- 3.30 p.m. so allow half an hour either side for setting up and closing up.

D’oh! I got the dates messed up. @RichM the 12th (which you so kind offered to help out on) isn’t one of the dates.

For clarity: It’s three consecutive Sundays starting this Sunday.</>

EDITED: my correction was fallacious

Oops. Already booked all those dates.

Eventbrite says Feb 12th…

So it does: that must be where I took the dates, but Grace’s message says not. Hold fire and I’ll check with her!

Okay, forget all that, it was correct the first time!

So @RichM are you still on for 12th?

Anyone around this Sunday and 5th Feb?

@Courty @joeatkin2?

I’ll be there on Sunday to open up and get then oriented, but will need to leave before 2pm

Yes, we’ll cover the 12th. Better make sure my tag works before then…

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I’ve only just seen this, this looks amazing. I have a few students at school who would be amazing at this (some with autism). Won’t be able to do anything this weekend but the February dates look good