Woodworking induction 10am Sunday 26/02/17

Woodworking induction this Sunday!
Hi all, I will be running an initial woodworking induction. It will only be myself and possibly @lewisss so we will only be able to accommodate a maximum of 8 members. I’ll add the next members on the waiting list here, please edit this post to confirm whether you will be able to attend asap.

This induction will be covering:
General workshop information
Health and safety
Using the appropriate tool for the job
Using saws, chisels, planes
Handheld power tools (drills, driver, orbital sander, belt sander, plane & jigsaw)
Safe effective use of chopsaw

@matt - confirmed
@afshind - confirmed
@tom_tibbits - confirmed
@jackh - confirmed
@bytesnz - confirmed
@dougmakes - confirmed


Excellent. Can the noisy bit be done by the time the RaspberryPi workshop starts?

Yeah, no worries. We should be done by then!

Yep i’m confirmed! Can’t seem to find the link to edit the post though

It’s a wiki now. Try again?

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Unfortunately i’m working this Sunday :frowning: Really hoping that I can catch the indiction another time…

Are there any places available?
If not I would like to put myself on the general list but I can’t find my way back to that.

Check #admin:induction-waiting-lists

Given @harlequindream has freed up a space shouldn’t @Iain be added as next on the master list? Will do it myself if there is no objection …

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If a space comes up on this then I can be available on Sunday: with the aim of maybe running an evening or weekday daytime induction in the near future.

When the list was compiled the directors had three of the top four places – due to it being weighted by length of membership – so as a gesture of goodwill we moved ourselves about 20 places down the list. I’m perfectly happy to wait my turn of course…but if a space comes up…

That takes me to the right place but the system won’t allow me to add my name for some reason-please take into account that I’m a complete luddite!


I don’t know exactly what the rulings are for people who can’t make it. I would assume it goes to the next person on the list. Could someone confirm what the process is so I can amend the list. @directors @woodtechs

Yes, goes to the next person, they go back to top of list (or just stay there)

Ok, so you need to go to:


At the top, there’s this:

And then you have to click this button (annoyingly, this is an extra step they added in the latest version of Discourse)

I’ve added @bytesnz in place of one of the available places.
Have left the other one pending a decision on whether Dermot should be allowed it. (Personally believe he should have it - but then I already have a place).

Should probably also be a deadline for people to RSVP so we don’t waste spaces. … @Edd
@VerityNichols are you able to attend?

I’ve edited @Iain out and put @dougmakes in!

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@Edd and @VerityNichols can you confirm if you’re available for this Sunday’s induction?

Hi Sara,

I’ve added you. You needed to click ‘edit this wiki post’ then find another ‘edit this wiki’ at the bottom of the window. Not very intuitive!

Hi @Robert_Kiggins rough idea how long? Just asking to help plan the rest of the day. Cheers.