Here we go! Floor is oiled electrics works now let’s start to fill it!
As the trustees ask us, me and Joe start to make a real plan about it and we share it here
After the longest debate on history (far to be closed anyway) this is the situation…
We are running thin on the budget, we spent 1800 £ on the tablesaw, 200 an the band saw, much likely we are going to spend around 1000/1200 £ on the thicknesser! this leave us with little little left so now is time to see how much we can save!
Given that in our vision of the workshop 2 sets of handtools are mandatory, our plan is to dig DEEEEPLY in the snug and everywhere in the space to dig out everything that can be useful and bring it back to life (sharpening blades ecc…)
So I’m need to ask all @members to state clearly everything you plan to donate so we can add it to the list! For exaple @barnaby_coote I herd you wanted to donate a plane, is this right? (May be not you I’m bad at remember names)
In the next few days the layout of the workshop will be started as well so please anyone give us your thought!
We need to pay for and pick up the mortiser and spindle moulder too.
Yep sorry I forget to write it down! But anyway that was a pledge so was not in the budget!
My concern wasn’t about the budget, but about getting the tools in the space
Oh, well don’t worry, the layout will take a lot longer than a couple of days, will be a lot of moving and shifting around! but hey oh Rome wasn’t built in one night!
I suppose you could make mock tools out of cardboard boxes in the meantime
I’m working to a 3D design as well (not fancy as yours ) and cardboard will work as well but let’s face it we are going to find the final setting only once that we start to use the space! That is fine, I was expecting moving and shifting!
I have an extra no 4 jack plane so I could donate one to the space. I’ve seen the exact same one in the snug somewhere (the modern stanley ones with chocolate brown handles). I also have a chisel, a scraper and quite a few f clamps.
There is quite a lot of stuff in the snug though, including many chisels that can be brought back to life, I saw a few planes too. I don’t think we’d be missing much to get started to be honest although some of those tools might belong to members.
Do we have a basic list of what we want in each hand tool kit ?
my suggestion would be:
-marking knife
-marking gauge
-small square
-3 chisel set
-jack plane
-tenon or dovetail saw (with sharpenable blade)
-scraper for finishing
I think we should save the rest for a good planer so we can actually use the tools on bits of wood that are flat and square. Planing by hand is fun for the first five minutes but it just takes too long
Add a steel rule.
Bench hook
Sanding block
A lot of this is in the other thread already
We went through most of the hand tools this afternoon. Many are totally salvageable. Here’s what we have found so far:
(most need regrinding but they’ll work fine)
1x 11/2" wide chisel
1x 25mm(1")
2x 18mm (3/4")
1x 12mm (1/2")
1x 6mm (1/4")
2x mallets, good condition
1x stanley no 4 (brought it down this afternoon, blade sharp, as new)
1x record no 4 (blue), good condition
1x bailey stanley no 4 (Damaged but salvageable, should work fine. The baileys are good planes. The blade cover is mismatched, has a thinner “record” one instead, be nice if we could find the proper one.)
Joe says there should be a second blue record plane somewhere, didn’t see it though.
Measuring and Marking
1x square
3x sliding bevels (2 good, 1 a bit rusty but works)
2x marking gauges, good condition
2x awls, good condition
1x small dovetail saw, nice tool, needs some care but should sharpen up fine
1x tenon saw, needs some care
1x flat pull saw, as new
2x saw sets for setting teeth
+Lots of rip saws, most look like single use non sharpenable ones though
##Other stuff
2x bench hooks
1x thin gouge
Small punch set (3 sizes)
Loads of screwdrivers
This is a Wiki post of what each kit should contain (rather than having it in multiple replies above), please feel free to edit:
Wood work tool caddy contents:
- Small square
- Marking Knife
- Marking Gauge
- Set of 4 chisels (25,18,12,6)
- Mallet
- Jack plane
- Tenon or dovetail saw
- Scraper
- Steel ruler
- Bench hook
- Sanding block
Other stuff
- Clamps
- Caliper
- Center Finder
- Bradawl
- Depth Gauge
- Spring Divider
- Triangular ruler
- Planes
- Screw drivers
- Battery drills and drivers
- Hammers
- Sandpaper
- Drills
- Screwdriver bits
- Glue
Moved the hammers out of the caddy list as we don’t want to encourage their use with the chisels.
The battery drills will probably be almost always used over the screw drivers, we could put these elsewhere in a common place (or maybe just one philips in the caddy for wood screws, if the battery drills need a longer induction)
we have at least a full set of 4 chisels so might be nice to aim for that. Otherwise set of 3 could be 6-12-18 perhaps.
I am a little confused over the logic of having as previously mentioned 4 kits of tools when there might be 2 work benches, probably 1 with 2 sides to it?
Is this any good? Been cluttering up my shed for years and I never use it
Wow that’s a terrible photo
I think we were going for 2 full kits at least for now and possibly a third if we can. So we’d need what’s on the tote list times two or three. We already have enough to complete one full kit and possibly most of the second if we can find two or three extra chisels of the right sizes and a square.
If two benches fit, 4 people would be able to work with a vise each at one time so aiming for three beginner kits for now seems good I think
That looks like a good one
Given how already we can only fit one bench with the stuff that is in there and theres more kit I don’t see how this is possible.
However 2-3 kits makes sense, it seems like we should buy 2 kits and make the 3rd up with what we have + a couple bits? Is that what you are saying?