Woodworking – Monday 5th October 7:30pm

Hi All

The woodworking group will be meeting up again on Monday.

I’ll try to get the risk assessments on discourse before then. I bumped into Joe who came down after most people had left on Monday and he said he’d be happy to run some inductions on Mitre saw etc.

Some people were talking about making kitchen cabinets for the makerspace as a project. It could be a good group project for people to work on.

Here’s a link to the thread where this is being discussed: https://discourse.southlondonmakerspace.org/t/kitchen-cabinetry/566/3

@Gui @Rob_Morandi @afshind @GoldieRatio @AussieFred @Rs1771 @stefanoromano @SarahJ @Rob_Darbyshire @timahrensbach @Ana_Nieto @RichM @Tansy_Drake

See you there :slight_smile:

Hi Sarah!

I am afraid I don’t have access to the link.
I am looking forward to see you on Monday the 5th!


Ana, please check your email re: access to that link…

In a change to the previously advertised programme…

It’s kitchen cabinet building night!

Joe has kindly agreed to run a kitchen cabinet building masterclass… After which anyone taking part will have the skills to build…well, kitchen cabinets.

And at the end of the night we will have a bunch of units to start putting together the kitchen next weekend.

Of course there is no obligation to participate.

But it should be a fun and informative evening.

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Please see here for updated cabinetry drawings. Comments welcome


This means that this week’s make a space will be ‘form building day’ :smiley:

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Guys unfortunately I can not make it tonight before around 10 pm… If you say that something will still be going on at that time I’ll came!

You should be able to build the formwork around the top of the cabinets to get an exact fit.

Sorry Guys :disappointed_relieved: my mum duties called.
I will be there later…


Guys, will someone be there in 50 min? If yes I’ll came straight away!

So sorry to have missed this! Will definitely try to come next week.

No worries if you couldn’t make it. Here’s the link for next week: