Who is coming to the meetup on Monday 14th September at 7:30pm?
@sarahbarber I should be around between 7 & 7:30 tonight.
I’ll be there Mon 14th…its in the diary.
I can’t make it down on the Wednesday for the open night as I have a course running. Am I okay to come down on the 14th instead for the first time?
pending babysitter I will be there on Monday.
I’ll be there Monday
Feeling under the weather so I wont be able to make it tonight. Should be good for next week though.
Hi Sarah - thanks for organising tonight’s meeting. Richard
Hi @Rob_Morandi, sorry to hear you’re a bit ill. Hope you’re feeling better soon. Richard, many thanks for attending and giving such useful feedback. For those who missed out, here’s a quick summary of the meeting:
Attendees: Richard @Rs1771, Fred @AussieFred, Sarah @sarahbarber, Afshin @afshind and Andrew Black.
People want to know what tools we have. To that end we took a look around and made a basic list. I’ve created a page on discourse which people can add to. There are plenty of smaller tools not added to the list so we can add to it as we go along.
https://discourse.southlondonmakerspace.org/t/woodworking-group-list-of-tools/528 -
People want to use power tools. We prioritized 3 power tools that I will attempt to risk assess by next week (or at least begin the process - they may need to be sanity checked by others). These are: a) cross-cut mitre saw. b) router. c) circular saw.
Discussions around how to improve communication and the experience for new members, which I will feed back to my fellow trustees. It was great to hear some people volunteering to help with these tasks!
Here’s the thread for next week. Hope to see some of you there
Amazing Sarah. Didn’t expect to see our chat go up here. Happy to help where I can