Wood storage area and free wood

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007fa4a5ed0d18>

Last chance to remove your wood from the storage area.

The usage of this area is being abused.

Members who are using this area to store wood whilst waiting for inspiration to get started are not welcome here.

Have an idea. Design it, make it and take it home along with what ever left overs you have.

Rules for storage.

  1. Put a label on it with discourse name mobile number, start date and end date.

  2. Maximum distance between start date and end date to be 1 month maximum. If you need an extension get permission from a @woodtechs. (If you haven’t worked on it between the start date and end date you will be refused.)

  3. Any projects stored that have passed the end date you will be contacted by text only ( make sure you leave your mobile) and then be placed in the scrap pile.

4 if there is not room for your project speak to a @woodtechs do not put anything that will obstruct the Cnc extract, the morticer or the lathe. Anything placed in these areas or dangerously will be removed and placed in the scrap pile.

Any timber that is on this post Large sheet storage woodwork expired projects
Will be moved to the scrap bin in October.

All other out of date projects have a 1 months amnesty. You have until October 31 to finish your project or remove the wood.

The wood storage area is for projects that are actively being worked on.
Being selfish and using Makerspace as your own personal storage area is not community minded


This above post has now been changed, after a discussion with @woodtechs, items that are breaching the storage rule will be placed directly to the scrap wood area to be used by anyone on a first come first served basis.

A post will be put on when this happens.


On behalf of woodturners Id like to thank you for the action.


Projects out of storage date destined for the scrap bin

Apologies for the long post but all of these projects are either well past their storage end date, have no date or no label at all .

Some are going straight to the scrap bin by the end of next week.
Warning to all woodworkers, @woodtechs do not have time to do posts like this and this will be the last one.
Unless marked otherwise below none of these projects can have an extension past the 31/10

Also storage is strictly for one project at a time.

So one by one

Nearly 2 months past end date, scrap bin 31/10

5 months since you started this & 1 month past the ever extended end date scrap bin 31/10

@fin_wells no date no label scrap bin 31/10

@RRubio first of many!! 3/3/24 to 3/3/25 if it is this important to you, take it home, going in the bin 31/10

@DuncanK this lot was on the last list it does look like you are working on it but talk to the @woodtechs
This has been 3 months since you started it, scrap bin

@LarkinNM not so sure if this is a project or a diary it has so many dates in it and mentioned on previous post going to the scrap bin by the end of next week.

@Maciej no end date and it has been here a month please contact @woodtechs or scrap bin 31/10!

@fin_wells second one with no label, start or end date
Scrap bin 31/10

@DWade, Donna, rough piece of ply with glue on it
Doesn’t look like your usual work.!! End date 15th June, scrap bin 31/10

Looks like wooden drawer slides, no label, scrap bin 31/10

@PReardon 6 weeks past end date, scrap bin 31/10

@EveNixon end date 2/5 not sure how this got missed last time, scrap bin 31/10

Big lump of walnut, no label, suspect it is @PReardon
Scrap bin 31/10

@RRubio bag of pieces you second item! Scrap bin 31/10

No label, apart from masking tape with “stretchers” written on it
Scrap bin 31/10

Various pieces no labels between Cnc extract and clamps going to scrap bin end of next week.

@june106 strips of wood end date 25/8 scrap bin 31/10

@RRubio start date start date 1/9 end date 20/11
Sorry 11 weeks is way over the one month permitted
Either take it home till you have time to work on it or finish it by 31/10 otherwise it is going in the scrap bin

@Ciaran_Raymer within the end date just please contact the @woodtechs if you need an extension

Ply obviously been used on the Cnc take it home put a label on it or it goes in the scrap bin next week.

Some kind of frame no label on it scrap bin 31/10

@jonathan_m early 2 months past end date scrapped 31/10
@Mike.iur four months past end date and second item scrap bin 31/10

Lot of timber no label taped with masking tape and the letters bw5 or bws scrapped 31/10

@RRubio number 3 scrap 31/10

@Vas labelled porch corbells from richard scrap 31/10

@Dorine 7 months out of date scrap 31/10

@Riggerz scrap 31/10
bag of pieces Scrap 31/10

@Melissa_Beagle two months past end date scrap 31/10

@Zach_Witherick please put an end date on this less than a month past the start date.

@Isaac we don’t want it, if it is that important to you, take it home …. Scrap 31/10

@Jack_S 2 months past end date … scrap 31/10

Pile of offcuts no label but there was something else on top of this lot with @RRubio on it please could you keep all you pieces together in the future please …scrap 31/10

@Melissa_Beagle 2 months overdue scrap 31/10

Looks like a jig for cutting tapered legs bin 31/10


Thanks @woodtechs!

Reminder @woodworkers it is your responsibility to properly tag and collect your projects or they will be repurposed and no one has time to post like this, so please make sure your storage requests are kept up to date! Thanks!!

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I’ll hold my hand up and cop to the stretchers (plus one bit between CNC & clamps) which were labelled originally: either the label has fallen off or I’ve not replaced it after taking the parts out to work on. Thank you for your efforts clearing up and I’ll make sure I get my crap out the way.


I apologise for taking 5 months with my bathroom cabinet. Drawers alignment with low quality plywood (and even lower quality skills of mine) has proven to be horrendous process and me committing only 1-2 hours every week certainly didn’t help with the timelines.

Now I just have to work with filler and paint it - hopefully it will be a much more straightforward and swift process

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Sorry @woodtechs
You can scrap my piece or someone can take it. I’ll get rid by 31st if not and clear up the area I’ve been using. Cheers

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@fin_wells you’ve got 2 pieces there, btw what wood is it?

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Thanks for doing this @lewisss I will ensure my wood is sorted this weekend, are I believe the walnut is mine, the tag must have Fallen off

Oh just the small square piece of oak is available. I’ll be in soon to decide what to do with cherry.

I’ll be in today, Sunday to collect mine. Thanks Mark.

Thanks @lewisss
I’ve updated the dates on my piece now as I can now resume working on it.

I imagine this is a long shot, but if anyone has any spare scaffold boards… I’m hoping to find a length of approx 120cm that I can clean up and use.

Many thanks

There’s a full length discarded one I’ve walked past every day for the last two months on the way to work? It’s been out in the elements but if that doesn’t put you off, the map coordinates are (51.498042,-0.060933)!

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