There are a number of woodwork projects in storage that are well out of date!
Can you please either complete the project or remove it from the space please.
If nothing has been collected /worked on by the end of April the will be offered for repurposing to the members
Woodshop storage is for projects that you are working on. Not to store wood indefinitely until you get time to work on it!
If you are bringing wood to the space make sure you have the time to complete the project without delay or take it home with you. This leaves space for the members that are actively working on their projects. @felixhj@Felix_Fried@Felix_Ingram@fmlharrison (please put your discourse user name on ) bundle of ply
It’s also general thoroughfare. Short little bits of ply slide down by the door and are easy to miss. I tripped on that on Tuesday and went flying. It’s a hazzard where it is there.
Hah! I put that sheet of ply labelled @fincheee in a “safe” place, but when I came back next day it was gone! I could never find it again, so assumed someone had used it and I found an alternative instead. That project is finished so I don’t need the sheet; feel free anyone to remove the label and add it to stock or use it yourself.
My wood seems to have gone missing or has been used by someone else.
I left it on the bottom metal rung. A piece of ash. It was just long enough to fit between the rungs. A couple of days after putting it there I noticed a label on it with someone else’s name. I checked the grain match with the wood I had already used, it matched perfectly. I assumed the label had fallen off another piece of wood onto mine. I went to retrieve my wood tonight and it’s gone. If anyone has seen a despondent, lost piece of ash, approximately 3 feet long by 7 inches by 1 inch, rough sawn, or knows the fate of my wood, please contact me. Anyone with information leading to the return of my wood can claim a reward, a packet of crisps, half a chocolate Hobnob and a day trip to your local Aldi, window shopping only. All information will be treated with the strictest confidence.
The storage area is overflowing again and will have to remove abandoned projects soon. If you haven’t touched your project in over a month or otherwise arranged something with @woodtechs, please collect or finish your projects.
Behind the big Cnc but it is not supposed to be a “storage” area. It was designed for the Cnc users so if they had a project requiring a number of sheets it could be used to hold them while the project is being done.
Not somewhere to store left overs just in case the member might need it in 2026!
To add to this issue the cnc extractor door area MUST be left clean and accessible to allow members and tech to empty the extractor, also the left panel MUST be left free of anything as the extractor fan need to cool down the cabinet
I’ll be clearing out a lot of this in the next week or two. Anything unlabeled, with a date over a month ago as of when the clean up happens is getting “recycled”. If you are unable to take your abandoned project home, please reach out. I do not like chucking people’s projects, it causes me stress, but it has to be done to keep the space usable.
Over the next few days I will be doing a further cleanup of the wood storage areas as they are overflowing again, restricting safe access. If for any reason you cannot come in to relabel/move a project that looks like it’s been abandoned, please let us know.
Really appreciated, doing the lighting and Wi-Fi is increasingly precarious.
@directors We still need to talk about that Gorilla, it’s really not safe, I repeatedly hit my head on it trying to work on the electrical panel with Joe.