“Dealing” with the towering pile?
Not sure because I’m not there but, moving waste from the wood workshop to outside the arch isn’t dealing with the mess. It’s fly tipping.
When the bags are put out we need to phone Quatum. Or they re put out on first Monday of the month. Hopefully this we get chaged to every Monday soon.
We have neighbours and they make a lot of effort to keep the estate clean. It’s a consent battle. Some help a lot. Some less. Our contribution to a messy estate is very high at the moment.
I would like to see / make a zone outside where we can put our waste. A stagging post for the waste.
Make it out of bricks From the demolition? Or pallets??
Somewhere obvious where bins and bags go. Less likely to split. Against a wall so they don’t block the bike racks. Blah blah. A sign that says not public waste. There’s issues with conopy customers throughing there food and drink waste away. They want to be helpful and put it next to a bin, but don’t realise we then have to tidy it up. It might be worth us asking canopy to buy another bin to put next to ours. without a lock. Then their customers when looking for a bin, use it. And they canopy can empty it.