Volunteer days: WOODSHOP is moving: 17-18 sept

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When? :grinning:

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Is anybody coming tomorrow morning to keep moving / clearing?
I can be there


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Before and after!


Looking good!!!

If anyone is up for more volunteer day on Arch2 tomorrow then let me know, I expect I’ll probably be there from around 10/11ish until about 2/3ish but if nobody else is expecting to come along then I might adjust my times…

I have a specific task in mind that I’ll be working on but plenty of other general sorting and stuff to do if anyone wants to help out for a few hours?

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I’ll be in the space around 11am tomorrow.



Perfect! And you have shutter access now as well yes? :slight_smile:

I’ll be there 10/11ish anyway in case it has not been sorted out yet…

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I’m not sure it’s sorted yet.

Ok, I’m not going to make it there until maybe 12-1ish now so if no shutter access then maybe wait until later

If anyone else with shutter access is going to be there earlier please post a message here… :+1:

Do we have a list of tasks that need to be done still? I’m planning on coming down today.

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Not really no but I am planning to do a bit of unistrut stuff and I know that some other people were fitting back boards to some benches near CNC, etc?

Also, if people are keen then some movement of things from snug1 into now empty old woodshop needs to be done to clear the way for later rebuild and new floor in the snugs?

We can discuss when we are there, I expect to be there probably about 12…

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Cool thanks @mbg, @smjmaker!

Check with @Ryanf on the workbenches by the CNC / mortiser - but yea should go all the way over the CNC control stuff - I installed all that, but temp. removed it until the bench is finished and then I will incorporate it. Just please leave a gap at the end for the CNC wires to go down…

@Julia said that there were some things (spare filters or something) way up high in the Arch 1 wood workshop that needed removing, and then additional cleaning / de-dusting before moving snug stuff in there…

Any sheet goods - plywood etc that is up for grabs would be great for the Big CNC for inductions and peoples projects, so please save it for that!


I’m running a bit late too, I’ll be there by 12.something


Yeah, we won’t fit anything unless really sure it is as planned, we had quite a bit of discussion about this yesterday so today’s stuff will be basic stuff, nothing complicated I expect

Also, discussed the move of stuff from snug into old woodshop with Mark so have a good idea what to move and where to put it…

Ok, I’m here now if anyone else is coming down? :+1:

Ok @joeatkin2 bracket for fire alarm built and is on the track saw bench for when needed…


Nice one! Thanks Steve!

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