Virgin knitter - advice please!

Hi folks and @textiletechs

My wedding anniversary is coming up and the theme is wool.

So, I was pondering using the knitting machine to make a very simple scarf, hoping that my efforts of trying something new will gain some marriage points!

However, I’ve never knitted, let alone used a machine before.

Would anyone be able to give me an idea of what size (?) wool I should get that can be used on the machine please?

Any other advice appreciated- I have watched a video on casting on and some other basics of using the machine, but any other helpful hints would be appreciated!

Cheers all

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I’ll point you here, if @jamesnwalker has any time to run you through the machine, I’ve seen him getting stuck in and getting it working recently!


Hi Rob,

Both the knitting machines in the space are standard gauge, which means they can knit any yarn up to 3 or 4-ply. Something like this, for example, would be suitable.

I’m running a couple of machine knitting tutorials next week - the first is on Wednesday 11th, 7-9PM, and the second is on Saturday 14th, 1-3PM. I’ll be able to show you how to cast on, knit a basic pattern, and cast off, if you’re interested?


Hi James

Thank-you for your advice, super helpful.

If I could join the Saturday afternoon session that would be great!

Thanks again

any scarf you make on the machine will need to be doubled up or knitted in rib, or it will curl up, for an easier and thicker scarf I suggest using the loom, you have to weave it yourself but it’s easier to do in thicker yarns and won’t curl up. But if you’re happy with a thin scarf then best wishes with the knitting machine :slight_smile:


Of course! We’ll be in the textiles area from 1PM.

There are also (crazy I know) knitting needles available and if you get nice chonky wool yarn and use big needles you’ll have a scarf in an hour or two just doing a basic knit!


Thanks Neil - I might also give that a go, but the thought of trying to knit properly is even scarier!! I know being all fingers and thumbs is probably the point, but I fear I’d be all fingers and thumbs with needles!! :slight_smile:

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I can teach you how to knit very easily :slight_smile: I’ve taught many people