I’m an icon, what can I say
Hey again @tomnewsom @sdsefwseghtqfg @stefanoromano @George_Sheppard,
Your tea towels are in the planning chest in the messy room now!
Thank you @petermakesprints! They look super cool thank you for making them!
Hey @Kyle, @Geraetefreund, @Willybood, and @sarab.sethi,
I’ve order for the size small and medium t-shirts which should arrive at the space in a couple of days. Thanks very much for your patience to date, I’ll be coming in soon after they arrive to print them for you and will be in touch when they are ready to collect!
@Belfire and @tmilner, I’ll also make sure the t-shirts you stashed away are printed too
@Karin would you be happy to bring a t-shirt you’d like printing in next time you’re at the space so I can print yours too?
If it’s alright with you, I would prefer a poster instead.
Absolutely fine by me! There are a few using the nice printmaking paper in the space, I’ll see how I can refund the difference between the t-shirt and poster cost
Thats ok
I was wondering if is still possible to buy a t-shirt? Lovely work
Are you looking for a size large? I can bring one in for you if so
If you’d like a size small or medium I’ve ordered the t-shirt blanks which should be delivered soon. Let me know if you’d like one of these!
Alternatively, I can also print on one of your own t-shirts for £5 less - the option is on the listing here