Hello there!
Feeling a little less shy to reach out to all @members after seeing the excellent attendance and work and the BBQ * that happened just yesterday.
We’ve crossed many things off the lists, as we do, with being left with many things left to do (as we do). And some tasks still appearing!
Hence please join in two weeks time another meet up, same time, same place.
Vegan and meat burgers always welcome, any seafood enthusiasts for the next one maybe too?
Tasks to do will be added over the next two weeks:
ARCH1 tasks
toilet: ‘Filling holes, cleaning walls, painting, varnish door’
(Speak with canopy over a temporary access to their toilet facilities) -
Filling ventilation pipes
Go through all of the disfunctional extension leads and find out what is wrong with them and if and how could they be eventually fixed
kitchen cupboard emptying and sorting out expired dried food and pots and pans
make a new ‘lost in Space’ notice board. This is a board for posting about missing items …and has itself gone missing
make sign for dishwasher: clean/dirty
ARCH2 tasks
- Stripping wood from wall
-fixing door, rehinging and changing direction of opening
part I.
- Getting the space ready for being woodshop
- Scraps on table to skip, sort first
part II.
Imagining pottery area
What are the sheets doing here?
some random objects claiming that were found
testing solar panel
Outer space area
Weeding, tidying
Water all the outdoor plants that don’t get enough water
bark, soil
Cheap exterior oil on planters (Mask off the rusty metal not to get oil on it)
Stabilizing back planter
Move front planter and re hinge
Past events:
*Oh dear, the bbq…special thanks to @ClemJ, @danieladelodun (who did all that work, brought food, but had to scoot early! and @Amanda