Pledge drive: Bambu X1 Carbon/P1P 3D printer

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Afternoon everyone, The X1 carbon and P!P have had a recent price drop so the goals have now shifted a bit. We are now over the goal for the P1P (new price £549) and the X1 has dropped to £1,099.

I would still personally recommend the additional drive for the X1 due to the increase in capability in terms of range of filaments.

@directors - I know the metal move is sucking up a lot of funds at the moment, but is there a match possibility here at all? Say if we make it to £700/800 would the space be able to match the rest? IT would be a £3/400 match.




Hey Sam, one question, what’s the plan for the giant printer we recently got donated?

I think we have 3 3D printers but members are really only, I was wondering, if we get yet another printer should we retire one of the ones we already have ?

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Put me down for £30 too

I had similar thoughts. I think the flashforge hardly ever gets used. It’s a valuable printer because it has an enclosure so can do more than just PLA, but so does the x1.

I’ve heard some fun ideas about the big one, like giving it a wide nozzle, which would differentiate it enough from the other FDM printers.

4 FDM printers is probably overkill though. Could selling the flashforge make up some of the budget? It seems to be fetching ~£300 on ebay.

So the flash forge is currently the only dual filament machine so that keeps that use able for the moment. The larger machine I did suggest a large diameter nozzle and had the largest print volume. The ultimaker can become an experimental/teaching machine if anyone has any good ideas? I have it set ready to run klipper when we have a work horse replacement. We could do deeper dive lessons with that machine possibly in terms of understanding the full motion system and taking it apart a bit more and also how all the code actually works and setting all the machine parameters in code. It would be a much longer form lesson but I could show people how to klipper existing machines with it? Rip’s have just come back into availability so this is much more doable again.

We should have plenty of space in the new area for all four but we can assess the actual practicalities when we get some racking units for the printers.

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Are you sure the XL has a larger print space then the P1P?

By the way, the Ultimaker has a dual extruder support, accessories are still available.

I’m still thinking Klipper will bring no many advantages to it, expect perhaps input shaper but we are severely limited by the dimensions of the filament, extrusions are not great with a 3mm plastic rod.

I would honestly phase out the Ultimaker as it seems like technology has finally cough up with it and keep the other 3 printers in use.

The qidi 300x300x250 where as the p1p and x1 are both 256^3 so it is a fair bit larger in volume. The ultimaker can be multi filament but as it isn’t direct drive, it isn’t a capable as the dreamer with flexibles due to the Bowden length.

With input shaper tests I’ve run the part cooling becomes the issue it will happily rune about 100mm a sec, but will need additional/ stronger cooling.

I am seeing lots of people using both at the moment so it is always good to have a second fairly fast machine


Is the aim to get the AMS as well?

Not straight away but we can get it as an add on at a later date

@scday94 Yes, there is obviously a lot of member interest, so we can do this! Nice to see it has dropped a little bit as well!


I’ve used the flashforge a few times when the other printer was busy, but where it is right now it’s not so easy to take it down and put it up again.

Also I don’t know if many people know that it’s working and that it’s got dual extruded and how to use that feature (I’d love to try but haven’t had the time to google it yet, I don’t see any pointers on the tool page)

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Was this before or after my last cooling mod? I replaced the shroud…

I did see the replacement shroud but haven’t had chance it sore how if it has improved anything yet.

I’ve been hammering out prints on the Flashforge but my approach was to grab a stool and stand up to it. In any case it’s in a slightly awkward place but I prefer it being there than more in the way.

Once we get to move into our space, this should be nice and easy to access.

Good news everyone!

The directors have agreed to match the rest of the pledge drive to get the X1 Carbon.

This will be ordered and a request will go round to everyone for the the pledge money.

@3dtechs- we can get together to sort out workflow differences for the slicing on this. We will probably migrate to using the Bambu lab slicer which is an fork of Prusa slicer. Once we can get all these bits in place, I would recommend that all future inductions are done with the x1. We will need to add some additional considerations like matching the correct build plate to the material being printed etc.

It might also be best to hold on the full roll out of this machine until we are in our final spot? The unit will be very tight on the desktop where the ultimaker is and minimising how often it is moved might be a good idea


:astonished: wow! That’s awesome.

Can we allow overnight prints and remote start prints though? I think we can work out a system to do it safely. The Bamboo printers have full remote monitoring via their camera so we’ll always be able to keep track of our prints.

Oh yes, it’s also a bit heavier than the other 2 printers so more difficult to move around.

Overnight and un-attended prints are still something we need to put in some additional infrastructure for in the unlikely event of a fire. I have looked at a system with Joe but the printers will need to be set in a static position for this to be possible, best to be left until they are in their final locations. Then it will just be a matter of plumbing remote access in with systems. We will need to find a good solution for scheduling this access if it goes forward.

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How about something like this?

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We have already got one in mind that we know will work and are a lot cheaper will cover more than one printer as well.

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