New member intro: Jaydee Daley


My name’s Jaydee Daley. I’m a new member, who is on a new creative quest to create laser-cut items, including jewelry and art.

I’m an IT professional, which includes web and graphic design, and content management. I have used all of CMS known to man including SharePoint. I’m also a social media expert and a list of other things I won’t bother to mention.

What I WOULD care to mention is that I’m also a book author. I wrote a funny novel called The Root of All Evil. It’s about a man named Jake Wright, who gained the power to foretell winning Lottery numbers and ended up winning the JACKPOT on several occasions, only to discover why a love of money is the root of all evil. It’s a HOOT. :rofl: Available on Amazon LINK HINT, HINT.

I was going to join a workshop in Clapton named Rara but the Manager there doesn’t answer emails, texts and rarely answers the phone which freaked me out, so I came across Makerspace.

It’s a great find. :grinning:


Welcome to the space!


We don’t answer to the phone either… We have one but every time it rings… We are scare to answer, i think there are just an handful of members brave enough to pick it up :smile:


Fair enough :grinning:
But at least you reply to emails.

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And talk a lot on discourse yes