Make the Space - Sunday 29th November 2015

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Good work everyone. We’re on schedule!

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What method?

Poring the tops off buckets until all the heavy stuff winds up in one bucket and water winds up in the other buckets .

@joeatkin2 has the pipe worked for the leak?

Yes two more to do

I was planning to be down to do some block work, or whatever is next important for Phase 2 construction, tomorrow (Sunday) from 11am. Is anyone else? @Members

Yes, me too. Lots to to. Block work like clockwork and a start can probably be made on the lining if there is enough people and enthusiasm.

I might be down, if the roads aren’t jammed up.

I’ll be there

Hi team I’d love too but cannot recent broken bone. Hopefully see you soon.

Ouch! Hope you have a speedy recovery!

I’ll be coming over later - probably around 2pm (trains are bad on Sundays). I can’t do much involving heavy lifting but I’m sure there’ll be other work.

Today’s work was brilliant. Here are some photos, we’re out of the ground and rocketing along:


Great work again today everyone!

Wow! Most excellent progress :thumbsup:

Fire exit door now in the opposite corner?

Think it might need to be moved…

It had to miss the ethernet cables but it can move towards the centre by about 300mm

There was some discussion today about “useful corners” in the workshop, which had it closer to the middle of that wall. Then there are also some slightly complicated cable details along that that wall that needed to be dealt with, (cables - mostly network, can’t rise in the middle of the door etc) which forced our hand further on the exact position.

Sounds reasonable. My only concern is it might leave a rather narrow bit of wall between the top corner of the door and the arch. I’ll check my model when I get to work.

For me the door needs to be further to the centre to allow the desk at the wall to be usable?

The governing factors seem to be: ethernet cables already run.
modularity with blockwork from corner (to avoid loads of awkward cuts) and making the spaces leftand right of the door useful in both phase 1 and dusty.

Yeah, this position is too close to the wall. If I’m reading the photo correctly, there’s 2 blocks to the arch (two halves and a whole).

This doesn’t leave enough wall between the door corner and the arch to maintain structural continuity. (We had this situation before when designing the back wall, IIRC).

It’s also rather awkward in phase 1, trapping the corner. Remember this is a fire exit so the red area has to be kept clear (I’m assuming shelves etc on the wall). This also means that location in the Dusty room isn’t very important. This door will probably never be opened.

If it can move 300mm back the other way (or even 225mm to keep block modularity will do), that will help. If it can move right into the center, even better. IMO, it’s less hassle to make cables turn a corner than it is to compromise the usable space in the clean room.