Make the Space - Sunday 29th November 2015

Hi Everyone!

Make the space is on on Sunday. Lots of work to get done it would be great to get the concrete pouring under way as the shutter is all complete.

The schedule for the build is really tight, so we really need as many hands on deck as possible. There should be a good number around, and if we get enough signups I will do a BBQ for lunch.

All welcome, new and old. Make The Space is a great time to come and get to know people, and lend a hand to making the space great!

From 11AM Please RSVP below!

@dalph0, @gordonendersby, @matt, @aabdulshakur, @peter_hellyer, @laurent_muchacho, @conomara, @MARKSE, @richard_aw, @peter, @RichM, @Stuart, @andreas_varotsis, @tobyspark, @ben, @adamjpage, @unknowndomain, @Dermot, @jan_evetts, @emile_swain, @tomnewsom, @russ, @ianzwilson, @barrylillis, @marksteward, @andrewdblack, @eklecticmonkey, @michael, @stef, @squaredoffagain, @AussieFred, @stefanoromano, @biffbangbosh, @KarlS, @jwhelpton, @sarahbarber, @hanno_halonen, @GordonC, @Matthew_Stannard, @Willybood, @richard, @SarahJ, @rabiuy, @davidceriwilliams, @Rory_Yeung, @Matthew_Ian_Clarke, @mandola, @Felix_Ingram, @Tim, @david, @l_shearer, @Slack, @wilfe_gorlin, @Glenn, @Rob_Morandi, @Rs1771, @helenemartin13, @Alireza_Datoo, @Watcher, @GoldieRatio, @afshind, @Gui, @beccaleece, @andrew_d, @judithdeberker, @beck, @Ana_Nieto, @Rachel, @timahrensbach, @Rob_Darbyshire, @omsoc42, @AliceMayDesigns, @ampem, @leo_mchugh_uk, @Marco_Pagliari, @pip, @RoB, @alleghe87, @Tarek.Abidia, @yulia_silina_linkedi, @gerard_50, @ronantuite, @ryan_keegan, @joeatkin2, @tyson, @Bex, @payam_be, @Michael_Cannone, @pmcnv, @alex, @tom_tibbits, @enrico, @bmsleight, @breaker, @EllBrandon, @JackieO

I am in there like swimwear.


We need someone to sort out this footing before Sunday, otherwise there won’t be much to do.

Let’s get chatting about the design for this wall.

Will it be like the front window? As we previously discussed.

I know @joeatkin2 has some double glazed units. Would be great to incorporate these.

We need to think about ventilation through the space. This may just be permanent vent between phases 1 and 2, we need to look at sound/ dust and how to get the air movement we think we’ll need.

Do you mean we should aim to have poured the footing before the weekend? i might be able to do Friday night this week, but would need others, and the correct mixing apparatus…

it’s not much concrete so would personally mix with shovels.

If the footing is down on Friday it means blocks can start on Sunday.

Ok, I’ll make a post for Friday when I’m in front of a real computer and we’ll get that done. It really ought not to take too long, but I’d be more comfortable if someone who knew what they were doing with concrete was there too.

RE general purpose airflow, will we have a doors open or shut by default policy between phase 1 and 2? (I.e. Close the doors if you make noise / dust / smell, but otherwise, open is good?)

Not really been decided. But we need fixed ventilation independent of doors opening and closing.

Also I need to look into what’s been talked about re: ventilation.

I will be there Sunday, as usual.

I can contribute to footing work on Thursday evening, if there are others willing.

Do we know if there’s ballast in the space? I have three bags in the van we can use.

Will be there Sunday.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Heating for the space

I’ll be there on Sunday.

Let’s do these posts as editable Wikis from next week.

We can have sections for tools/materials needed, and what we aim to achieve.

I’m a bit full on at the moment but will get on top of it.

Looks like a good turn out on Sunday, so let’s be productive:

@joeatkin2 is the kitchen worktop ready to pour? Anything needed to finish kitchen units?

@unknowndomain you started the basin cabinet. What’s needed to finish it?

I’ll check wall materials tonight.

Vanish and time and two led’s and mdf in right size

PlasterBord for the washstand

There are two bags of pea shingle and 1.5 bags of sharp sand, plus the big bag of sand which is rather buried.

I’m in the space today and am free tomorrow so could check supplies / do any shopping needed before the weekend if that would help.

I expect that the one good bag of cement will be used up on the footing work tonight and tomorrow. We will need more cement if we are expecting to lay blocks on Sunday.

Would be great to have an idea of how much sand is left in bulk bag.

The landlord just stopped by to ask politely if we could get rid of the gas canisters outside so that Network Rail won’t complain to him. (He was very charmed by @JackieO and her Detroit connections - could be useful at some point!)


We’ve asked a company to collect them