Make the Space - Sunday 10th January

Hi @Members

I know @dermot isn’t about this weekend, so you might have the uneasy pleasure of my impression of foreman - But there’s lots of work to still to do this weekend - a good push and we can hopefully get the wall finished - only a few more courses left before we get to the ceiling.

It’s also time we got motoring along on the battening for the lining - all the stuff is in place, and we now have enough clear floorspace to get a good start on a few more levels of these. Once things get started, we can get a whole load of these up, at least to head hight in a very short amount of time.

If you can make it down - please could we start to arrive 10:30 for an 11am start?

Can anyone think of any materials that need to be in place before Saturday? There’s plenty of sand and cement in at the moment.



hey Pete,
I can prob do a few hours in the morning early afternoon, what time are u going to be there and is there anything i can be doing if i get there early?
Also, is anyone around on sat?

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I’ll be there from about half 10. Usually staying till much later than a sensible bedtime at the moment.

I can’t do saturday, but maybe someone else will? @Members

Who else is coming down tomorrow?

ill be there, im just negotiating a reschedule on something else, ill let you know times once i know them

I’ll be in but unable to do any heavy work. I’ll bring in a SDS drill since you seem to like them :slightly_smiling:

Update - Should be about 11:30 trains willing.

will be down from about 11:30

Hi please could you let me know once there are a couple of people there who could help carry the sleepers? I can come down any time from 10:30 to take them away but I think we will need the help of at least two strong people to get them out. Thank you!

hey, ill be down today at one

Looks like I’ll be there just after 11. A bit delayed in transit this morning.

Take a note of the humidity reading on top of the dehumidifier hen yo get there please

71% just right now.

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Good. That’s 8% down from last night :slight_smile:

Quite a lot has got done so far. The wall is about 3 and half courses from the top and the people who arrived later are still working. I am pleased that we will soon regain the use of lots of floor space that was occupied by the blocks.


Fantastic work! We need to pull that stuff in from outside ASAP.

hey guys, the wall is more or less finished apart form pointing it and packing the very top with mortar and bits of tiny block on the pahse one side.

Thanks to everyone today for fantastic work, we managed an amazing effort, especially with Conor throwing bricks up all day!

Folks also got the pile of sheet materials moved as the progress on the lining accelerated with battens shooting up all over the place on both sides, there are now battens at ankle, knee, shoulder and head height, now we need to start getting the platforms up to do the rest, the scabby old lining has been partially taken down to allow for this work to be done.

The kitchen was also unveiled, the concrete has set, and it is magnificent, see the other post for that, but we’ve reinstated a usable kitchen area and dishwasher, although it still needs work before the surfaces and sink can be used.

This did leave room to setup the social area again…

The last job of the day was a major tidy up, I spent a few hours putting everything back in it’s rightful place, bagging rubbish, sweeping the whole area, and wiping down the main tables again, let’s try and keep it clear this time!

Jobs for the week include:

  • Laying the last couple bricks in the wall
  • Clearing up the concrete mixing area
  • Continuing with the lining
  • Polishing the kitchen work surface (Ask @peter_hellyer about this)
  • Wiring:
  • New LED lighting in more permanently and discretely on switches
  • Kitchen overhead lighting
  • LED sign ethernet + power
  • Re-run ethernet to the CCTV outside, and re-route to new location
  • Start packing away stuff in phase 2 like the Bandsaw so we can get the floor area clear for lining and flooring over the next month.
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there was a new guy there as well, his na,e esapes me, he did loads of bricks

I didn’t meet him.


Big props for the clearing / tidying!