Lining wiki

We have a lining wiki here

Some people have started doing the lining
if we think we will have diff crews working on lining then
can we gert an updated wiki with some photos…thanks

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What was wrong with the original one

well apart from the first line

“”“the deadline for completing the lining is: Sun 24 January”""

Seriously though, I think it talks alot/more about the battens, which are almost all up.
it doesnt mention , as far as i can see , that we have put batten screws in at edges so that lining screws must aim for center, I know center is prob where people will naturally screw into.

Doesn’t mention the strip light method? Are we using this, how exactly is it done? to be flush?

Which is the first section of lining per row, I think its the top one, as in the highest, middle of arch??

Is there a difference in method, or are there any tricks to getting side lining on, as opposed to top ones?

How are the ““T”” timbers things used, are they used with the props, did we buy props?

Whats the best tool to cut lining if we need to cut out a section for some reason?

i can stick some info in after I have some experience of the new procedure

@peter_hellyer and @andrew_d should be able to fill in the voids

I’ll go at the wiki when I’m finally home from work.

That said, we’ve clearly been ballsing up the overlap etc, so any changes need some thought by a cleverer person than me.

progress is like publicity, its all good…

I haven’t done much lining work recently. Many more people have been doing it since I last did any.

In the below picture, the side uppermost is to go against the brickwork, and the side lowermost is to face out from the brick. Note that the edges must be turned up to catch the water.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Come and put some lining up on Saturday evening