Hi I'm Victoria, I love Art Nouveau and I want to learn Woodwork

I’m Victoria, I have just joined as a member after attending Wednesdays open day.

I’m a bit of a jack of all trades when it comes to arts and crafts, I’ve had a go at candlemaking, chainmaille, knitting, silversmithing, mosaics, stained glass, painted glass, puppet building, set building, painting/drawing, lino stencils, silk painting etc.

My main ‘skill’ is sewing, which I have been doing for more than 10 years at this point so I more than happy to share my experience in that area if people want help. I have a level 2 qualification in pattern cutting if anyone wants help drafting patterns. I’ve also completed courses in draping and handsewing. I currently working on a 1907 S-Bend corset if anyone is interested in my home project.

I have a full blown love affair with Art Nouveau (hence the name) and I’ve joined the space predominantly to gain access to the woodworking tools and cnc machines so that I can have a crack at making my own Art Nouveau style furniture. I like to bite off more than I can chew so my plan for once I’ve completed my inductions is to work towards making a faux Art Nouveau stained glass window frame (among many other potential projects).

I live quite far outside of the city so I probably won’t be able to get to the space until my first induction. I was hoping to be able to travel in less often but for longer days but I don’t know how long the space is usually open for, especially during the week?

Let me know if any of that sounds interesting or if I can lend an ear to anyones sewing project.

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Hi Victoria, and welcome! It was good to meet you on Wednesday.

That’s a lot of trades to be a jack of, and it’ll be really interesting to see your art nouveau furniture.

The space is open more often than not in afternoons and evenings, but the calendar doesn’t always show how long it’s going to be open from any particular time (an issue that we’re trying to solve). But if there’s a day when you’re thinking of coming down, then you can always ask on the Discourse here whether the space is going to be open. If someone with shutter access was already planning to come, it might remind them to put it in the calendar; and remarkably often you’ll get a reply from someone who’s willing to come in and open up specially.

And once you’ve been around a while, got your face known, and contributed to some things (which it sounds like you’re keen to do), you can request shutter access and then the space is open whenever you want it to be open.


I think like a lot of people at the space, I like to dabble in a little bit of everything.

I’m a bit of an early bird so if shutter access can be something in the future then that could work well. In the meantime I’ll try to get up to the space when I can to start getting to know everyone and see what projects they’re working on.

Hi Victoria,

I also love Art Nouveau and Secession (German version) which I collect and the British version, Arts and Craft which I wish I could afford. An incredible creative period in history only spanning 15-20 years, way too short in my opinion :smiley:

Help with pattern making, yes please that would be amazing, I have a coat/tunic Id like to make a copy and @tracyD was also wanting to make a copy of it so some help on how to create a pattern block would be really awesome!

Hi Dorine,

I love all the different versions of Art Nouveau throughout Europe. It’s so sad how little of it remains compared with how much Victorian stuff is still about. It’s even more frustrating that there really aren’t modern replicas of anything even remotely approaching the style.

I’m more than happy to help with making a copy of your tunic. I know how to make blocks and have made them in the past but you might be surpised to know that they aren’t really used in industry that often.

If you can send me a photo of the coat then I can look up the style in my drafting books. I might be able to find a drafting diagram of a similar style of coat so you can see how the pieces look laid out flat. Looking at diagrams can really help you to understand how patterns are put together, especially early on.

Maybe we can arrange a time to meet up in the space so I can see the coat in person and I can talk you through the process of doing a pattern. Have you had a go at taking a pattern from it yet?

I think part of the reason for that period not being replicated more nor having lasted longer is the sheer amount of human labour it required to make items by hand, that resource was simply no longer available post war… cue the 1920’s simpler designs like Claris Cliff that industrialised while keeping it fresh.

I’ve not yet had a go at tracing out the tunic so meeting up at the space be great. I’m there on Wednesdays mostly but can pop in most days in the late afternoons.

The pre-war, belle-epoque aesthetic to the post war, Art Deco one is such a stark contrast.

I’m travelling in from quite far outside the city so earlier in the day is better than later for me. Is there any day you could do a morning or early afternoon?