Hi, I'm Meirian


I’m Meirian, a game developer based in Islington, and I just joined the waiting list. I enjoy a broad range of making and am excited by the range of facilities here, but my biggest motivator in joining is I want to get back to making physical electronic projects and prototypes. I miss the access to workshops art school briefly provided!! Would also love to meet more makers ofc. :slight_smile:


hello Meirian!

Welcome to the SLMS!

We have weekly electronics event called electronics night, on thursday after 19.30, it’s not in the calendar yet this week!

Hi Andrea :^)

Thanks! That sounds great, are they open to non-members?

Hi Meiran,

Welcome to the SLMS! You should have received an invite in your email on November 27th. Check your spam folder but if it isn’t there, we can send another!

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It is, yes!

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