Hi I'm Ben

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Hi all,

I’m on the waiting list from 3 weeks ago but I’m guessing it’s pretty busy at the minute. I checked out the space a couple of weeks ago and am looking forward to getting involved! I’m an audio-visual artist/creative coder/electronics tinkerer looking for a space to work on my electronics projects, 3d print/laser cut and be a part of a community of fellow makers! I would also be interested in putting on beginners workshops if that’s something people would be interested in.

I’ve just finished my masters in MA Computational Arts and my final project was an audio-visual performance with a marble run kitted out with piezos/potentiometers that trigger audio samples in Max/MSP and visuals in Unity as well as NeoPixels that are also audio reactive using an Arduino.

I’m currently working on making a video synthesiser that can work with eurorack modules, which is a new challenge for me so if anyone knows anything about CV give me a shout!

Sorry for the essay of an intro
Hope to meet you all soon




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Hi Ben, really interesting stuff…
Im always interested in possible tools for therapy tools for people with severe learning difficulties.

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Hey Ben!

Your stuff looks fantastic! We need more installation artists in the space :smiley:


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Thanks Sarah :slight_smile:

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Hey, I was recently advising someone who was making musical toys for children with learning difficulties for similar therapeutic purposes. Would be interesting to hear what kinds of things you’ve been working on

Thanks Robin, I’m really looking forward to getting working on some more physical installations

Hi Ben! Hope to see you in the space soon!

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Hi Ben,
I’m limited to OTS products as my lad needs really robust equipment otherwise things get destroyed quite quickly. Think 25 year old man with little comprehension and no understanding of fair wear and tear!
The other problem is that one could build / buy an article and he may take no interest in it, which can be so frustrating.
The idea of light and sound response to movement interests me as it may help to teach cause and effect.

That sounds interesting, most of my devices so far have been pretty fragile, I would like to work towards building more robust products but I also enjoy the temperamentality of fragile devices. If you were interested in building something yourself I would say look into neopixel LEDs, they come in strips or a matrix and are very useful for making reactive light displays. That’s what I used in the marble run project.

Oh hey Ben :slight_smile:

Hey Josh! Hows it going! I haven’t been active at the Makerspace for a while because of covid but am looking forward to getting back into things. I’ve been working on a raspberry pi based music programming computer so will definitely be starting to go to the electronics nights again soon.

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Hey man! Yeah all going well; have been steadily expanding that synth - going to try to get down to the nights as it’s great motivation :slight_smile: so hopefully see you there at some point; the Pi project sounds really interesting.

Also keep threatening to sort out some time in a rehearsal room to make some loud noises so if you fancy an AV jam at some point lmk lmk

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