Hi Everyone, I'm Paul 😊

Hi there :wave:

Really happy that I found this community and massive shout out to the team at the last open evening, thank you for being so welcoming.

I have a couple of small projects that I would like to finish.

  1. Adding scales to a knife I forged earlier this month. Just waiting on a couple of items to be delivered and also complete the woodwork induction to access some of the tools I need.
  2. Finish off a copping board which use to be part of a kitchen worktop.

Beyond that I would really like to experiment with combining two things that I really find interesting, that is computers and art deco design. My idea is to design and build computer cases based on this style, which includes experimenting with different kinds of wood commonly used during this period, as well wood, brass and chrome inlaying.

Looking forward to meeting more of you :+1:


Wow, that’s a great idea! I love the symmetry of art deco and often think it needs a come back