Heya, Geordi here

I did basic laser cutting, 3D printing and physical computing as part of my Uni course a few years ago and loved that.

So I am thinking of giving it a go again and hopefully developing my skills further when I spotted Makerspace, this seems perfect for my needs :smiley:

The only thing I’m uncertain of - especially for inductions - is that I am Deaf and primarily a signer so would need to communicate via writing/typing if you/they don’t know how to sign - would you be ok with this? And alarms of any sort I won’t be able to hear I guess.

Have fun whatever you’re making :smiley:


Hey Geordi,

Im 100% sure we can work with you to make whatever you need happen :). Not sure if we have anyone that can sign but pen and paper or on an ipad would work. You are also welcome to bring a friend along who can sign to help out as an idea during an induction? @3dtechs @lasertechs any thoughts?

Ill be co hosting the open day this Wednesday come over and we can explore options :slight_smile:

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Laser Inductions are moving towards videos which will have subtitles (working on them as we speak). Hopefully that will help.

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Hi Geordi,
We can definitely work something out to get you inducted on the 3D printers. It might take a little longer, I’m not the fastest typer, so it might be a one on one session if that works for you? Would you be mostly looking at the FDM printers, the resin or both?

If there are ever any other accessibility needs that the space could do with, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you all :smiley:

Sometimes it will have to be one on one as Pippa suggested yes - likely to depend on the tech to be inducted on. I would love to try out various things and see what I might be interested in. Probably will depend on whatever it is I want to make at the time haha.

Subtitles are always useful, thanks Martyn

Thanks Dorine, I’ll try to attend this Wednesday then :smiley:

Thanks again.