Hey, I’m David

Hi everyone!

Became a member yesterday and will head down to the open evening tonight hopefully. Looking forward to getting involved, learning from others and helping out where I can!

I came across the maker space when looking for a place to work on some woodworking and metal working projects I’ve had on my list for a while. Unfortunately I don’t get much time around the house when I haven’t got two toddlers either playing around me or asleep upstairs and neither are ideal times to get out loud, dangerous tools so this place seems perfect! I’ve got a mix of projects on my list (though will stick with one at a time) - a couple of bedside tables, some large planters and then once I’m a bit more comfortable in the workshops hopefully some more creative, sculptural items.


Hi David,
welcome to the makerspace! It was lovely meeting you today at the Open evening.
Good luck with sticking only to one project at a time :laughing: