Hello, I'm Hannah

Hi everyone,

Excited to join! I am an artist and part of various SE DIY/community projects - a DIY garden and skatepark, a sound art open mic - and excited about this ethos + tools and people to learn from.

Especially keen to learn printmaking, and atm especially in need of metal workshop, so am looking forward to being able to be part of the space.


Hello there,

I just paid my membership and unfortunately can’t make it to next week’s open evening. Can I just come by the workshop and get started, or how do I go about things now?


Hi Hannah,
Yes, you can come another day to pick up your key and use the space. Just drop a message to see if someone is in or have a look at the calendar. Happy to show you around the space. I also send you our Welcoming message with the most relevant information you need to start using the space and tools.
Let me know if you have any more questions.


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