Hello, I'm Fred and I'm very excited!

I go by Fredric at work, my friends call me Freddie, but when I’m making or fixing things, I prefer Fred.

I have a lot of varied (sometimes short lived, often revisited) hobbies that involve making things. My flatmates suggested (insisted) I find somewhere other than my room for such hobbies as they’re concerned with the various noises, smells and mess that I reside in.

Here’s a desk I made for an awkwardly sized cubby in the living room. As I don’t have my own tools or an appropriate space to use them, I cut the Forbo with our bread knife, sanded in the living room and slept with the tabletop under my mattress whilst the adhesive set. You can understand why my flatmates suggested I look into SLMS.

I recently got into tabletop gaming as I found that working on a computer all day and coming home to be on the computer all night was, not good. Aside from painting, I love the DIY/craft elements that come with the hobby, particularly creating storage solutions.

I love functional design, modular systems in particular. My Mum is a mid-century furniture collector and passed this passion down to me. After I moved out, I started to build my own collection and soon discovered the impracticality of past-century design in contemporary living situations having faced the impossibility of moving a mid-century wall unit into a 2nd story flat. Looking for solutions, I fell in love with String shelving and flexibility modular design provides.

I have a background in 3D modelling and look forward to using the 3D printers for prototyping, however I’m more excited to be part of a community and to learn and have access to all the tools.

Annoyingly, my current project is rather boring. I’m making a lower bracket for a clamp for my monitor and light arms as my new desk is 6" thick and my current clamps max out at 5".


Hi Fred,

Perfect fit for both you and your flatmates needs :slight_smile:

Where do you do table top gaming?

I’ve joined a few groups across London but haven’t played any games there yet. I’m painting 40K at the moment, but I find the game a bit bloated to play so I’m planning to head down to South London Warlords on Monday and have a look at some of the games people are playing.

We are in the process of organizing a TTG area for the London Maker Festival in May - I was planning to reach out to the Warlords and see if they would like to come play with us at the maker space making stuff with the 3D printers. Would you be willing to grab an email address of one of the organiser for me so I can email them maybe? Any recommendations of other groups visited that you think might think playing with us be fun?