Hello, I'm Barnaby - interested in woodwork/furniture making

Hi everyone,

Very much looking forward to getting involved. I have an interest in making furniture and have some experience with using hardwoods (did a 3 month furniture making course a few years back) so this is mainly what I’ll be doing, along with possibly some upholstery.

I’ll be coming to the open evening this week. Is anyone able to say how long the tour will take if I turn up at 7 (may need to dash off)?

I presume I’ll need to be inducted to use the large power tools - hope to get started this as soon as I can!


Hey Barnaby,

Welcome to our community! Since you’ve become a member, you don’t necessarily have to come to an open evening, they’re not mandatory. As a member, you can drop by anztime the space is open to collect your keyfob and ask somebody to show you how to get it activated.

Usually, the first tour starts around 7:15pm and lasts from 15-30 minutes but this depends on the crowd and how many questions they have.

Make sure to get on the basic woodworking induction waiting list and you should be able to get going soon. I recommend getting on all the waitinglists you’re interested in. Lasercutting is super useful for furniture making as is the CNC.

See you at the Makerspace,

Hi Mark,

Thanks, good to know. I’ve put my name down for the basic woodwork shop induction and will do the same for the jointer/thicknesser and table saw when I’ve done the online tests. It looks like there are 150-200 people on most of the waiting lists for inductions - do you have any idea how long I might have to wait?


For the planer/table saw/etc., just do the test and we’ll reach out after the basic.