Friday Night is alright for Concrete

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Evening Ladies and Gents.

There’s some talk of trying to get the footings for the new walls laid BEFORE the weekend. If you can’t make Sunday, but can make Friday this might be the time for you!

I’m happy to come and do some work Friday Night this week, but would need a couple of others to join in to make it worthwhile. Bonus points if you understand concrete and how that would be made / mixed / poured.

Anyone willing to step forwards?


Wull bring mixer

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I have also mooted the possibility of doing some work on Thursday evening on a couple of other threads as well. If there is interest, we can divide the work between the two days (maybe one side one evening, and the other side the next).

Ok, great, if some work gets done thursday, that splits the load -infact, if the L shaped bit is cast thursday, we could remove the shuttering and use that to start building the final form on Friday.

Assuming there’s enough sand, cement and balast

if materials are limited, we should prioritise the L though as the block work on top of that will be the biggest headache?

By far. The lining has to go in before we can build the timber walls anyway.
(The lining itself has a very short lead time btw. so we can start on that as soon as we decide it’s sensible)

Might be worth getting the materials in for that as soon as the footings are done, then if there’s enough people on site, we could form team blockwork, and team lining?

True. The lining can start at the other end and meet the blockwork when it’s finished. If we can muster the labour, it’ll cut weeks off the schedule :thumbsup:

at very least we could get the battoning done, whilst blocks are going down (/up?). Probably relatively soon we should brave the tower and clear out the old electrical stuff in Ph2 as well. Another job for Sunday.

I’d better get my materials estimation shoes on!

soooooo. who is in? From 7:30ish.


Andrew I was looking to get down yesterday to even things out but couldn’t.

I’m in for this evening though.

I have 3 bags of ballast I’ll drop off after work, plus another bag of dust (cement).

Ballast is mixed 8:1 with cement.

I won’t be able to make it this evening, I have something else on.

How much water and / or sand will be needed?

With ballast, no sand. First mix down minimal water, finish later can be more of a slurry to make it easy to work

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We’ve done the L shaped footing. Pictures to follow…

We need at least two more bags of pebbles for the north footing. That’s all.


Photos or it isn’t true?
