FAQ (draft)

What is a makerspace?
The South London Makerspace is a social community workshop in the heart of Herne Hill. It’s owned, run and maintained by the members.

How do I join?
See our How to join page on how to join the makerspace. Membership costs are £25 a month.

Can I have a membership discount?
We do have reduced rates available for members facing financial hardship. Please contact us at directors@southlondonmakerspace.org for more information.

How old do I have to be to join?
You must be 18 years or older to join the Makerspace.

How can I access the space?
We offer two access levels at the Makerspace: General Fob Access and Shutter Access.
General Fob Access: After becoming a member, you’ll receive a key fob that allows you to open the front door of each arch when the shutter is open. This level of access allows you to enter the space when other members are present.
Shutter Access: With shutter access you can open the roller shutter. This allows you to book sessions on our calendar and take on the role of hosting for fellow members. This level of access grants you access to the space 24/7. However, note that some tools aren’t appropriate for lone working.

When is the space usually open?
The space is open whenever members who have shutter access are in. In practice, this is usually most evenings and weekends, and some weekdays too. There is no set schedule which may be frustrating at first but please remember that we are a community organisation, not a service with paid staff. We have no employees and are run by and for our members.

Is there any parking at Makespace?
Yes, we have two parking permits in front of the space. Find more information about parking around the space here.
There are also some bike racks in front of the Makespace.

Can I bring my friend?
Yes, members can bring guests. Guests may not use any equipment that requires an induction or be in the space alone.

Can I bring children with me to the Makespace?
Yes, as a member you are permitted to bring guests into the Makespace, and this includes children. Guests are your responsibility when in Makespace and may not be in the space alone or use tools which require an induction.

Can I come to the space to look around?
Yes, we hold every other Wednesday an Open evening, where members give guided tours. This is a great chance to see the space and meet some other makers. We also host events that are open to the general public, including our weekly electronics nights. Have a look at the calendar .
If for some reason you cannot make any of our regular tours and would like to look around another time, please get in touch with us via info@southlondonmakerspace.org.

Can I share my skills with other members?
Yes, if you have a skill you want to share, you could volunteer to host a workshop. Just start a thread in the discussion section on Discourse (you need to create an account first) to gauge interest and then pick a day that works with everyone. Or you could offer to do a demonstration for members and visitors on any open evening.

Can I get started making stuff right away?
We want you to be safe while using Makerspace tools and equipment. Some of our tools are expensive and easily broken, and some of them have the potential to cause serious, life-threatening injuries. Because of this, even if you have used similar tools elsewhere, all new members need to go through our induction processes before using the laser cutter, the 3D printers, CNC, and the metal/woodworking tools.

Note: there are also lots of activities that do not require an induction, ie. Electronics, Textiles, Some hand tools etc… Here is a full list of the tools in the space: List of Tools in the Space!

Is it possible to participate in the Discourse community without being a member?
Yes, you are welcome to join the Discourse community without becoming a member.

Who do I ask if I have more questions?
You can contact us via email info@southlondonmakerspace.org or Discourse (@welcome) after creating an account.


Also tag lathe techs !

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Done thanks.

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Hey, how do you get shutter access? Thanks.