Do we want it?

These are on Warp-It at the moment do we want any of them?

1. Thador TF200 LCD Frequncy Monitor @ UCL

2. Polyvar Microscope @ Institute of Making, UCL

3. CAD paper @ District Surveyors, Guildhall

@joeatkin2, @Marco_Pagliari, @Courty, @tomnewsom

Additional items added

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Looks like it’s good for 10hz to 200mhz so yes is my vote


I’ve put in asking for that then.

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Microscope is huge!

We don’t really need one though, do we?

If we’re going to run the A1 printer, 5rolls will last for ages. So yeah.

A microscope can be useful for electronic repair. I don’t know if that model is particularly useful for the purpose, though.

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Yes to the counter it’s very useful

Yes to the microscope (if anyone is playing with fibres and it is very cool

Yes, it’s cool…would be useful thoigh to have an African elephant beside it in the picture for scale…

Not a practical comparison as African elephant’s are a protected buy international law ,so we probably can’t get hold of one, which i believe is good enough reason to get it .

Yes, all of these, definitely yes. I am a big fan of looking at tiny things close up.

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… Nah, i wont fall for that setup :slight_smile:

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I’ll sort out the frequency thing but you guys need to figure out the rest if you want it.

Do you need me to warp the scope as well, or do you have that covered? I’ll happily go collect.

I think that the microscope might have have a intresting body on top of it , if it is we can sell the body and get something interesting .

It looks a bit like a Leica

If your collecting it yes. We can get you on the Makerspace one or you can use your works one. Which ever.

Yeah, probably better to put me on the makerspace one, might be a bit cheeky to pretend I want it at work.

I think you’re all nuts…but anyway, it does look cool.

What about the binding conditions to decontaminate?

Why don’t the institute of making want the microscope any more? Suggests it’s less than useful? Or they used it so much they’ve bought an up-to-date one.

(This too sounds like nuts to me.)

My post may a been a bit rude. Sorry.

You may well all be nuts, but I’m not qualified to make any medical diagnoses.

But I do think this needs a bit more consideration before bringing what looks like an incredibly hefty piece of equipment into the space.

Such as: what do we need it for, and could we fulfil that need in some other (more compact?) way?

Where would it live in the space?

How heavy/voluminous is it?

Does it serve the Makerspace to have this?

Fun and cool should be part of a ‘points system’, but a system weighted towards usefulness/practicality.

The pledge drive is a useful tool to compare here: what would you be willing to pay for such a scope? (although a pledge drive seems to run the risk of imposing tools that a small group wants simply because a few people find the money?)

Just some thoughts…

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Slms is full of scientists , so why not . Its not the sort of microscope i have used for electronics but it will be useful if anyone is using fibreoptics