Discourge images/flickr archiving

People upload images to Discourse.

This is good because i. it’s where people are already and ii. they’ve already got a user account.

This is bad because we now have a half-dead flickr, and it’s nice having one place to go to for photos – to visually scan our history.

I’m thinking some script to auto-download from discourse and then auto-upload to flickr might be a good idea. Or a better idea anybody might have.

@tomnewsom have you heard of any integrations or somesuch?

Tricky. You don’t want it to be automatic, because there’ll be a lot of crap we don’t want on Flickr. Maybe a browser extension for the marketing people? Right click, upload to flickr? (I’m sure it exists)

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I was just doing the split when the OS update finally finished and the restart happened =]

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Also there are images you wouldn’t want to post publically.

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semi-related: props to @peter_hellyer for uploading a load of phase 2 works shots to Flickr.

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