Make The Space - Sunday 24th January

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Outstanding :slight_smile:

We’re now probably at a point where materials for walls and floors could be ordered. We’ll be at both of those points pretty sharpish, and already we can be Starting the divide between phase 1 and 2 and / or cladding the phase 1 side of the block wall.

How are we for storage space? We’re talking about quite a lot of timber…

PS: @marketing - this is worth social mediaring

Exciting to see such great progress! Wow!

Maybe floor and Phase1 to 2 dividing wall materials is a good idea, then get workshop wall stuff when at least one side of floor is down?

Yes to blogging about the progress.

Also need to figure out how we’re going to centralise / archive these photos.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Discourge images/flickr archiving

cool, great to see lining go up,should we hold off getting floor materials? i think keeping phase two floor as free as possibwill speed up the linings and battens and we prob wont be starting floor for a while right?

Floor is next after lining, isn’t it?

I think Conor’s right. There no point in starting the floor before the lining’s done, and that job is easier with a clear floor.

The Phase1/2 wall can go in as soon as the first row of lining is done, so those materials are worth getting. Can we make use of any of the old rafters that have been hanging around for ages?

Here’s my current thoughts on that btw:

(extent and height of cladding to blockwork wall tbc.)

i thought we were going to try to get the dividing stud wall between phase one and two started once the first new row of lining went up? that would allow us pretty much seal phase one away from work?
We are building that stud wall around the doors, do we have the doors?

how did the LED trick work, pretty good by looking at photo?

If the lining goes in this week (and there’s some hope) - jo and stefano are down tonight to do some more work, I’ll be putting a call out for Wednesday night, and we can crack a whole bunch up on saturday evening and sunday next week, we’ll want to start the floor straight after….

Pete,stefano,joe et al, can we get some wiki stuff for the lining, maybe with some photos, so that crews on sat (me) and others will know what they are doing? cheers

that would be mental if we get the lining mostly done in a week, is it possible?

joe has some ideas about lighting as well, Joe?, it would be good to decide now so we have the infrastructure behind the lining htat we need to hang lights

It’s the footings first, for the floor.

I’m now having a bit of a >_< moment.

We had 140 and 100mm blocks. In order to have a consistent appearance, I decided to use the 100 blocks for the wall. There are now hardly any left.

The 140 blocks are too tall (when laid flat) to build the footings, unless we change the floor construction method. They might be useful towards the back, where the floor drops away, however.

In retrospect, we should have used up all the 140s in the wall, finished it off with 100s and used the rest for the floor. But we didn’t.

So, two options for the floor footings:

  1. Buy ~75 new 100mm blocks
  2. Cast the footings in concrete

the 140mm will def work towards the back.

If we cast the footings, won’t we kill the airflow?

Gast the gaps in, of course (blocks of foam work well)

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Having the floor clear to put the footings in is an important point.

Last time we did it they went down very quickly. So it’s a logistics issue of being able to get stuff delivered at the right time.

We now of course, have much less crap wood in the space to cast footings, but maybe casting the footings would be the fastest way to get them done….