I am planning to make circular shadow box picture frames for my laser cut maps, somewhat similar (but better) than the ones I jigsawed and routed:
so I decided to look into CNC’ing these out of 20mm MDF. I designed this in Vcarve 12:
I realize I will have to adjust the bits used in the toolpaths to what we have or what I get, (I know we have a 6mm 4 flute, end mill, lets assume we have the 2nd one I used in the design, a 1.5mm end mill). I have also learned the hard way to screw the piece to a sacrificial board with the screws clear from any toolpaths and use tabs to keep the whole things stable while . I am currently not fussed about processing time, so I am going slow with 2mm deep passes
But have a few questions:
I have used a “profile toolpath” for the inner and outer profile cut:
- is the a CNC the right tool for a 20mm mdf ? or rather a router with a circular jig?
- I dont seem to be able to set the pass depth if I use a profile toolpath as opposed to a pocket toolpath?
- what is a safe total depth for lest say a 1.5mm endmill?
The design is for the mini CNC with a job size of 170x170 to test. is there any design changes needed for the big CNC?
Lastly: I want to be able to scale the design so that the outer diameter of the frame changes - while other dimensions should keep the offset from the outer diameter fixed. A simple scale will scale everything - can anyone point me to how to achieve scalability of a design with certain fixed offsets (I found this video, but I dont think it works for circles?)
Any other suggestions welcome - and thanks for all the advice yesterday specifically from @dannz and @fin_wells (and for the consolation)