I have ordered the USB with the parts which are easy to get hold of in the UK, when the USB arrives I’ll take a photo of where I leave it for whoever is able to print it
I’m happy to essentially donate this all to the space etc but I think any future parts should be bought by the textile budget (also the one bit I havn’t bought is the row counter because I saw one had been bought)
Part of the way through printing one, but the needles it uses have to be imported from the US which is quite expensive, might be some interchangable parts
. Hi Maz! If you guys are interested in finishing it off I’m keen to order the Angora Valley Fibers US ones for myself and could pass on a set, i think it should be economic if ordering a few sets, although better check the tax situ! They won’t need cutting down, will be easier to lift up properly and are also designed with smaller feet which I think will help them run a bit smoother than the brother one.
I think @Maz got some needles already, we need a few sets anyway if we want to make a ribber or different size cylinders. But can we hold off for a bit so that we can test the ones we got? Brother was one of the best brands of knitting machines and their needles should be good quality.
I’ve ordered 1 set of needles from angora valley for myself and added an extra 2 .11" cylinder springs for you David! Torsion springs I’m planning to get from Lee Springs and should have spares if you decide you want to finish the US design. Maybe I can bring it to visit if I can get it working well!
Amazing, thank you! Let me know how much and I can either transfer or drop something at the space.
Re the springs, I looked at the cost from Lee and decided I’d try and make my own out of music wire… will hopefully give it a go at the weekend. If it works, I’ll have plenty wire to make more to share.
@sabtab, I think that means we have everything now!
I’m going to start printing parts. I’ll start on my machine as some parts can take up to 9 hours to print and I can’t stay that long at the space. Ill bring whatever’s done to the space and we can start putting it together
Yup, @sabtab and I have been printing and sourcing parts for Mr Robotos design. We’re done printing parts, just waiting on one spring and me making a few bits out of brass / alu. Hopefully get to it tomorrow.
The one Maz bought is based on a different design… the idea is that the parts for Maz’s one are easier to get in the UK I think? Surely no harm in having two. We can make a pair of socks at a time!