Circular Sock Knitting Machine

Alright, I’ll hold on it for now as it takes around 1.8 KG of PLA to print. @Maz, I can still give it a shot if you’d like us to use your kit.

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Yes please!

Also yes the design I bought is easier to get parts for


All parts printed and labeled, I’ll bring them in to the space next time I’m around (likely Friday or Saturday).
Parts 1 through 16 except for 6. Part 6 has multiple versions and I don’t know which one to print.

Total time spent printing: 49 hours 8 minutes
Total filament printed: 1,273 grams

Some parts need to be sanded into shape, some parts solvent welded, I don’t think I’ll have the time to get to it this weekend but I can give it a shot the week after.

Edit: I printed these on my own Bambu P1S. The kit shipped with Cura profiles but I created Bambu Studio profiles for easier part replacement at the space.



I’ve brought the printed pieces to the space, they’re in the transparent tub near the ancient sewing machine. I tried to start the assembly process but the instructions mentioned a part 17A (which I can’t find anywhere) and a counter that needs to be installed right at the start if needed. I don’t know if we have a counter for the machine.

What’s needed to complete the assembly:

  • Counter kit
  • Part 17A (I’ll check the 3D files and doc again but I couldn’t find anything tonight)
  • Solvent for welding parts together (unsure if solvents are allowed in the space)

I’ll set it aside for now. I’m travelling the next two weeks so I’ll only be able to get back to this after 21 July.

There’s a counter in the space, but maybe we should get a second one, there’s a glue in the 3d print area, and if you have the instructions I can also do assembly

I’ve printed out the instructions and placed them in the tub with the parts.


I’d do some tests to see if that glue is strong enough. If it’s the same as the one I tested, it’s not at all effective. Using solvent like acetone for welding also isn’t particularly strong if using PLA. If that’s what’s needed, there may be some in the metal chemical cupboard in the snug. I’ve found the best adhesive for PLA is Paraloid B72 (a thermoplastic acrylic resin with acetone as solvent). I have some that can use for that if you like, but it needs to be topped up with acetone. Best to do all that outside.

all probably depends on how strong a join needs to be


Is this with the pieces I printed??

Yes :slight_smile:

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Instructions are outdated and confusing, but I used brainpower and determination and some photos of the finish item to put it together, there’s some optional parts which can be printed, such as the ribber, but this should be fine.



Amazing work then, cause the instructions were a nightmare!
I can print the ribber pieces if you tell me which ones we need, there are several options available in the file.

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since you’ve printed the 72 needle cylinder, that means we need the 36 needle ribber plus the bracket image
We could also probably do with additional cylinders if you want to print more things

Ok, got it.
I’ll probably try printing the ribber next week when I’m back in London.
The cylinder I printed was the default one and I think that the kit came with a 60 needle version. I can print the other one if there’s any demand for it.


All depends on the size of feet! Also I’ve mostly finished making a cast-on bonnet at the moment, I’ll give it a test soon. Otherwise I’ll need to buy some tiny little rings, it might not be smooth enough.

Don’t know if you’ve already sourced, but I have 2 circular springs hanging around for you that i can post, but still don’t have a time that I’ll be in London!

Re: springs I’m sure you’ve worked something out, but I’ve tried biro springs which didn’t work well and in the end come up with this…

And it runs! Although had to shave a bit off the inside of the tip of the cams. Have been knitting tubes, But haven’t made the handle yet as I’ve lost the piece of metal I cut in a house move and don’t have access to any tools now -_-

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