Christmas Secret Maker - get making!

Does anyone want to do a ‘secret maker’ for Christmas? - like secret santa but you have to make the gifts. So idea is that everyone who was up for it would put their name in a hat and then go round and whoevers name you pull out the hat you have to make something for. It would only be something small, we could set a budget or time limit on it. I think it would be a great way to show the variety of different skills we have. And everyone would end up with a suprise gift. Also it wouldn’t necessarily have to be a physical item it could be a service or a digital thing. If people are up for this maybe someone who knows how could advise on a way to randomly assign names without us having to all meet up with a hat.


In. There’s loads of online tools for this, used one in our office last year

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Of course there is! The internet has everything :grinning:

Me too!

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Count me in

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I’m in

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Any other takers? Do we want to do the giving at the Christmas party thing on 10th December? If so we need to get this moving.

Me too!

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  1. @Beth
  2. @pip
  3. @peter_hellyer
  4. @lewisss
  5. @stefanoromano
  6. @cjjharries
  7. @Courty
  8. @boldaslove (bah humbug)
  9. @dsikar
  10. @SarahJ
  11. @frasco
  12. @Ana_Nieto
  13. @Dermot
  14. @tobyspark
  15. @sabtab
  16. @StudioNelle

… add yourself

+1 for doing it on the 10th :slight_smile:

I’m going to make a standup sewing table for my secret Santa. :blush::blush::blush:

(I’m not. That would be ridiculous)



Hi All

Beth asked me to do the random part of picking which Secret Maker makes secretly for which other Secret Maker. So I made some random shuffles and she’ll pick one randomly when she closes the list; then I’ll secretly send private messages to each person.

So Sign Up in the “edit yourself in” list above.

Kind regards to all,

PS. As it was a nice little cryptographic problem I made another post on all the details in case any one is interested: [Secret Maker Cryptographics].


I’m proposing the cut off date for signing up be midnight on 12th November . This would give 4 weeks to make stuff (minus a day or two for @jonathanjo to run the shuffles and message everyone) before the gifts are given on 10th December at the christmas/ winter festival party. How about those that can’t make it down on 10th leave their makes in the space prior to the party and collect their gift afterwards from the space? Any objections, does this all seem ok?


Sounds good to me!

sounds like a plan! :slight_smile:

Cool plan!


Ok I’ve closed the sign up. Agent 1 has given Agent 2 the appropriate information! Once you receive your message you have until the Christmas party on 10th December to make something. Please tag/ label your gift with “To: xxx. From: Secret Maker” and hopefully we will have a table we can put them on. If you can’t make it down on the 10th please leave it clearly labelled in the space. Maybe we can organise a designated box or something closer to the time for these to be left in.


Are questions allowed via agents in case sizes are required?