Ceramic wheel origin

Does anyone know where this wheel (pic below) is coming from? I am in the process of writing the toolpage for ceramics and would like to know if it is a personal loan or donation.


First we got the red one (clemj donation)


Then the white one (dermot donation):

I am guessing by process of elimination it is this one, donated by ninagp:


So in summary, 3 wheels all donated…

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Hmm, looking closer, the ninagp wheel is not yellow?


Still a mystery? I am not 100% sure… but lots of donated wheels! Thanks everyone!

Sorry should have mentioned that I know the origin of the three others (nina clemont and dermont) this one is another one.

Ah! I didn’t know we had 4! Any more? :joy:

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For the curious language people: The text on the box says 拉坯机 (“Pottery Throwing Machine”), and 数量1台 (“Quantity: 1 Unit”), 年 (“Year”), 月 (“Month”), and 日 (“Day”) which are not filled in.