BUMP BUMP- Clearing out the Snug - January

Whether you opt for phase 3 or not, more storage or not, orusing it for something else …it all starts with an initial clearout of the snug.

Let’s do an initial clear out. We’ll then be better placed to decide what comes next.


@tomnewsom is updating Discourse so we should be able to create spreadsheets/tables very soon.

We can set up a page as a Wiki with images/descriptions of items, and fields for members to claim/comment/show as removed/show as available to other members/show as “I’ll take it”/how to dispose or recycle etc…

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How are we disposing of items? Do we have any hippos bags or similar? If a few of us bring vehicles (not vans) we can always head over to smugglers way to dump any items that are definitely getting chucked away.

It’s incredibly hard to judge the scope of what we need to chuck/recycle. I think a mixture of all.

As a business we shouldn’t be using the domestic recycling/waste facilities at Smugglers way. OTOH it’s ideal for members dealing with members’ items. Getting rid of Makerspace items and waste needs to be via proper channels. Once we’ve got a big pile we can always get Quantum to give is a quote – I’d really like to see as much stuff get reused as possible.

Bear in mind though that Hippo and all skip companies tip out the waste and sort for recyclables, so using them isn’t consigning stuff to landfill, but it does mean that working items would be scrapped rather than reused.

No worries. Agree we should repurpose as much as possible. Was thinking more about stuff that will likely be useless and/or looks like it’s best days are behind it. Understand we ‘shouldn’t’ be using them, but I’m happy to run stuff over if there’s not too much. Wouldn’t want to take the mick. I believe they actually recycle as much as they can over there too. So long as the items are placed in the correct containers, so it’s something to consider. However, if anyone has objections, that’s also fine and I’ll drop it now.

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There’s also a cost element of course – which is why we’d rather members dispose of their own waste/junk as individuals rather than the Makerspace pay for it, which is a little unfair. However we’re allowing budget for this, as it’s essential to get done.

Well, there will be a bunch of us there and I’m sure we can sort something out. Have we agreed to lock off the messy area for the weekend as per @CriticalTolerance’s suggestion? So we have somewhere to drag everything whilst we sort through it?

I’m going to send out a message today to all members about the Messy Workshop and lack of access.


Having been so enthusiastic about this… I’m in Hong Kong until the 15th.
I’ll chip in with odds and sods of tidying once I’m back.

Any excuse… :wink:

Enjoy - we’ll leave some for you to do. Wouldn’t want you feeling left out or anything.

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I will be about next Saturday to help out.

I know not the ideal plan but I have a car and I’m happy to do a dump run if it helps get things out the way!


@systems these old pcs (dell/hp) on the shelf, are they due to be recycled during this snug clear out.
I only ask because the power supplies and heatsinks would be handy for a project I am working on :slight_smile:

We left those because @systems thought they might be useful

I don’t think that’s accurate or helpful.

A. Firstly I don’t think systems made that decision. I think you might be remembering someone saying that who was no longer systems when they said that. I don’t think our current systems agrees with that. Also why are we doing nothing about recruiting more systems?

B. Why are you committing us to a statement that was made at least 12 months ago by someone who didn’t have any official capacity to say it?

C. We now have an offer on the table to have some equipment we don’t use, that is taking up valuable space, recycled for free and you’re saying no based on a vague memory that’s not accurate.

I think this needs a proper discussion rather than a single persons point of view.

Closing down peoples ideas, shouldn’t be this easy by directors.

Calm down!!! And give the relevant person a chance to reply

If someone says something you don’t agree with.
You shouldn’t say things like “calm down”.

It belittles what they are saying.

Also makes you seem not very calm

Just wanted to reply to this to clear things up a bit, as it sounds like there’s been a bit of misunderstanding both ways - and I want to steer back towards the idea that we keep discourse a safe place for people to air their views.

I think this has been discussed with systems previously, and was agreed. I couldnt say if this was on discourse though - That said. You make a valid point that they arent used, and I think D was explaining why they’re there as opposed to saying No to what is probably a very reasonable request. Just needs some clarification from @systems.

We had a Directors meeting last week about the wider need to engage more people in roles in the space. For both Systems and for other Areas, there will be a decent amount of movement in the next few weeks, @directors are aware that the current situation isnt sustainable, and we are working behind the scenes to move things along here - and for systems in particular, we have a strategy going forwards, but this needs to be discussed with @systems, before shouting about it too much, and @courty is on that.

Quite right. But as I say above, I think there is a bilateral misunderstaning here. I think D was just explaining what they were there for, not saying no. I for one am all for constructive approaches to get rid of stuff in the snug. nudge / wink, we’re gonna need that place cleared out pretty soon…

It says this thread was “unlisted” by Dermot 5 hours ago. Can you clarify what that means? Is this not a public thread anymore?

Or has my reply been removed?

I’m not privy to the conversation you did or did not have, but the conclusion of the conversation I had with various techs and systems was that we had a lot of equipment in the snug that was ready to leave the space including much of the IT equipment. We asked for help and the help wasn’t forthcoming. The task was long grassed and eventually evaporated…