Hi @Courty - just adding this to the newsletter. Do people need to RSVP or just rock up?
RSVP would be nice just so we have an idea of numbers but not essential…
Also need a call for volunteers!
Cool, shall I ask people to join RSVP on this thread?
Other option is eventbrite
You can make a doodle-like poll on discourse now. There’s a little calendar button in the editor tool bar
@timahrensbach you got this?
We are calling for participants, people who might want to have a table/stand.
It’s possible we might extend the hours…
Cool, I’ll add this @Dermot - unless I get another link to post by 11 AM today I’ll just ask people to reply to this thread.
Yes, this post for members who want to get involved on the day running things or presenting their Arduino-related wares.
Arduino ‘clones’ are surely allowed in spite of the new Geniuno name, which really makes you think twice. It’s open source!
The London Arduino groups day is looking great: http://www.meetup.com/LondonArduino/events/228722082/
Do we want to make a call for more participants/workshops/show and tell?
My feeling is that we should, as we are on course for having a lovely tidy Makerspace to show off and use!
Also looks like we have some Bare Conductive pens being donated…
Plus someone mentioned ‘shift register Knightrider’ workshop…
Agreed, we need more helpers / speakers to run activities even if it’s just to look after the benches and help with projects
@unknowndomain are you around for this? This is your area of expertise.
I’ll put a call out on the Not just Arduino Google Group
Sure. We should get it into the Herne hill forum website and newsletter. And print some posters for the station notice board and sainsburys notice board
What can I do to help? I am away until Tuesday.
There’s official Genuino posters etc… @Courty has the link for this stuff: https://day.arduino.cc/#/ ??
You can guess the Arduino link if you want to use the Arduino branding !
Thinking out loud… To do list…
Need a projector or to move the screen over on the day + need the main table to run the intro too session(s) - I’ll bring a couple of laptops
Need the electronics bench cleared for projects / show and tell / learn to solder (Blinky Badges) + people to man that area
I’ll bring some spare Arduino Uno’s, cables etc to add to the spaces ones + will bring some other bits and bobs
@unknowndomain, can you send me your Arduino PPT deck and I’ll mix with mine to make a tailored ver for the day
What else do we need to do ?
Ta muchly
We have both. The Big TV seems to work nicely. But we have the option of the projector and screen too
If we get a few ‘exhibitors’ then we’ll need to think harder about the space: it would then make sense to use either the messy or noisy workshops and set up tables in there.
Let’s see how it’s looking closer to the day