April Craft & Textiles night - crumb quilting - non-members welcome

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First Tuesday of the month is our Crafts and Textiles night. Everyone welcome - non-members included.

Topic - Crumb quilting

The wonderful art of using small remnants of fabric to create a unique new piece which can be used in quilts, bags - or anything really! And in our new space which should give us plenty of room :grinning:

@Nancy will be showing us how - see her great post about the bag she recently made - Oh Crumbs! Using all the little bits and pieces

I’ll be bring along some scraps and we have lots at the space already - but feel free to bring along too.


I found a few more cool things to do with the crumbs after completing fabric/quilt. So anyone coming along will be cool to discuss ideasπŸ’‘


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Just bopping this to the top of the messages as a reminder of the Textile night tonight!

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I can’t make it tonight as I now have to work. Sorry, I will try harder next month.

@Amanda See you soon!

Thanks Nancy and Tracy, I will try come down tonight and bring along some scrap fabric