(24th March 7-11pm) Open call: Don't be Shy! Submit what you "Make and Sell" for a photoshoot and have an A3 poster designed for you for the Maker Festival in May

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We would love to see things that you have made and are selling at the 2024 Maker Fair May 11th. Be it a small side hustle, or one that you are just thinking about maybe selling. Everything and anything is welcome at all stages of the journey you are on!

First Photoshoot for phase 2: Sunday 10th March - Noon to 7pm

In February we did a wider photoshoot as our phase 1 of the project:
Post production folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ldTKV_95Scr_88aC_z5p0Y6tPbGn6geF?usp=sharing

I’m hoping to now expand the photoshoot so we can create some Festival marketing posters that feature those members who either sell what they are making or who are thinking about how they could market test their creations.

The festival will additionally include selling tables you can book for free to sell and market test your creations.

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If you have any recommendations of what people have made please share and ill reach out to them! :slight_smile:

There might be a second workshop next week dependent on numbers we get on Friday

I can bring my guitar down on Friday around 6:30.

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Hi there! I have a lazer cut paperUploading: EBA92314-81BC-4D06-94ED-35283654DD38.jpeg… lantern with 3D printed base… however I am currently out of the country and return on Sunday… can you use these photos?

Laser cut paper sounds awesome! Link not working but im planning a second photoshoot next Thursday(tbc) would that work for you?

I am a new member, but I have a wood table I did last year, I can’t bring it on Friday, but I’ll be there in the evening for my laser induction. If you are there, we can have a chat.


Beautiful :slight_smile: do bring it in

I may have some photos of stuff I have made, where would you like it sent?

Are they high resolution?

iPhone pics

Can you bring your favorite one in that is not in France yet? :smiley: Ill PM you my email

@Dorine did the @directors agreed for the SLMS to be there?

Are we taking part in the open house??

Yes we agreed to take part in 1 of the 2 weekends…

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Got some pics of things I’ve made with the lasercutter - but not very exciting


Short update: We have secured the hall for free, its booked and @Brendon_Hatcher and I will co lead together on this project

Yes! Just let me know!

Ill be there learning more product photography from Sam on Monday. I could do with a few more people for the printed guide, some furniture be great and more musical instruments too!#

@scday94 what time do you want me to come on Monday?

Any time I’ll be busy all about the space but can provide pointers here and there

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