Yin Yang Plates

Been wanting to make a couple of these for a while and eventually got round to doing so…!

Started with some router templates which I stuck on and cut close to shape using the bandsaw.

Then flush cut using a router and bearing guided cutter.

Glued up, turned some cylinders to the exact dimensions of the holes.
Glued these in and glued a foot onto the bottom to minimize material waste as these are made from old floorboards…

Turned, finished in beeswax.

One of the feet flew off, currently gluing so the second place is soon to follow… I hope…

Needs a few more coats and some more buffing, very pleased with the result.
Debating whether turning cross grained cylinders would have been better than end grain… pfft.

Big thanks to @matthew_j_mewett for the wenge and @deanforbes for the beeswax which We may need more of :wink: seems all have loved it and the sweet honey smell it releases when applied.


very cool

Looks great mate! Glad you made some good use from the wenge.

And number two…

They’re really nice :slight_smile:

My alignment compulsion is twitching at the different grain direction though. Deliberate or accidental?

Looks awesome. Giving me food for thought now…

I was just thinking the same…

Really lovely!

Was working to maximize what I could get out of the pieces I had. Wasn’t paying much attention to grain orientation, perhaps next time…
When I’ll use side grain for the inserts also.

I quite like the (near) perpendicular grain direction, highlights opposition and rotation. So would probably stick with that.

One more, properly aligned grain this time as well as side grain inserts.

Much better imo.