WordPress website with forum

I have received a request from a client to build a WordPress website containing a forum. I am looking for some tips as I have never dealt with forum requests. I’ve checked the internet so I see I could use plug-ins or a suitable WordPress theme. I would appreciate any suggestions!

Discourse is the best forum software these days, IMHO. But I’m not sure how tightly out can integrate with WordPress.

But maybe just a similar header design and links between the two could be enough?

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Thanks, after I tried various WP plugins I realised it is better if I am going to try to use Discourse on Linode and link it somehow in the header.

There is an ability have single sign on (SSO) between them so folks just login once. We haven’t been able to do that yet with our instance but here’s a thread about WordPress and DiscouseConnect: https://meta.discourse.org/t/configure-single-sign-on-sso-with-wp-discourse-and-discourseconnect/223494


Exactly what I need! Thank you!

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Glad I could help!

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