Woodworking – Monday 19th October 7:30pm

Hey everyone

Woodworking will be going on again this Monday. There should be some more work to do on the kitchen cabinets, or feel free to bring your own projects along. We have plenty of scrap wood for those of you who are new and would like to practice using hand tools.

@Gui @Rob_Morandi @afshind @GoldieRatio @AussieFred @Rs1771 @stefanoromano @SarahJ @Rob_Darbyshire @timahrensbach @Ana_Nieto @RichM @Tansy_Drake


See you there


See you there to work on the kitchen.

I am looking to finally return to the woodworking group. I may kidnap some of the scraps to practice some Sashimono Woodworking (i.e. Japanese Joinery without using nails or screws). Do we have any water-stones for sharpening chisels and such?

I believe we have oil stones but haven’t seen them yet. Not sure about waterstones as I haven’t used chisels yet. Anyone know? @SarahJ @dermot ?

Definitely a bunch of whetsones around. I’d assume for oil use. I wouldn’t know how to recognise a water stone…but would love to know more about these Japanese tools.

I have a set of water stones I could bring in on Monday.


Definitely oil stones in the back , my preference is Dimond

I shall be there!


Sorry Guys, would love to join. But I have boxing on monday nights.

Looking to try change my boxing night so I can join in, in future.

Not sure if I am gonna make it :cry:


How was it last night? Looked like a strong turnout when I was leaving.

Me and @joeatkin2 were there until after midnight.

I think there were around 6 of us. A nice number :slight_smile:

It was good. I cut my first dovetail joint in three years on some scrap wood just for the fun of it. I also left my waterstones in the snug, wrapped in an Ocado bag in a plastic box. The instruction leaflet is in the bag too, anyone who will treat them very very nicely is welcome to use them.

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Joe and Stephano had done some great work making the space useable, I was very impressed.

I won’t be able to make it down this weekend or this coming Monday night. I’ll be off playing at being Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest for half term.


The dovetail joint left on the bench? That looked great. Can you pass this skill on?

And don’t forget that @pip and Andrew fitted all the electric sockets.

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Ah I didn’t realise that, well done everyone! I’m impressed every time I come down by how much work has been done on the space. :smile: The kitchen is looking great too.

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Yes that was my dovetail - I only realised after I’d left I hadn’t tidied it up, sorry! It’s a lot easier than it looks to make one - you cut the tail freehand first, then mark from that directly onto the end grain of the other piece and cut the bulk of the waste out with a coping saw & chisel the rest. But it’s much harder to do a whole beautiful identical row! But mostly it’s just about being really careful with the marking out. I’m happy to show anyone how.


It is a good fitting dovetail .can you make us a plane push please.