Woodshop storage fair warning

Thanks for the heads up. I’ll be around the shop after the 24th and I’ll sort mine out !

Thanks for the heads up, I’ll be in in the next week to sort this

I have passed on the result of my analysis via PM.

I have done in my ankle and won’t be able to get there for a little bit longer sorry, I promise I will get there and put dates on the wood/take some home as soon as I can

I have been in and put labels on all of my wood


@woodworkers Fair warning again. This time I am putting up a sign and will start enforcing the rules next time I tidy, may the odds be ever in your favor

I have this lump of Acacia that I don’t need, someone could use for carving or make a small bowl on the lathe maybe? It is labelled as mine but help yourself anyone who wants it…

It’s what I’ve been making my turning blanks out of for my chess set project but I’ve got enough now so this is going free…

It’s on the shelf next to the lathe…

Thanks @Destom!

Also, can we clear the arch w bathroom as well- that is all wood that was in metal/ceramics… it needs claiming/sorting and then up for grabs/ tossing…


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I’ll take it if no one has laid claim to it.

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Go for it! :+1:

It’s on the to do list :stuck_out_tongue:
We need the wood for the new workbench and my day of boxes. I was emptying it until a huge amount got added but will start again

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FYI I am still planning on having my lumber out by the signed date but have purchase more which will also be out my that day as per my storage request

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To help people identify their pieces, here are a few photos of the beautiful wood collection we have.

These pieces are labelled, but have no date or the date has expired. To help Steve and everyone in the photos, please let us know which is yours, when in the next week or so you’ll come collect it.

Folks are (from left to right):
@jackdee, no name, @SamD, @Neil, @Walid, @Karin (pine pieces), two no name pieces, @MattS, @lkg, @Caitlin_Campbell, @Chrispyduck

All the pieces on the shelving system are accounted and dated.

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These are mine. sorry will pick it up on Monday.


Sorry! These are mine I think. Was planning on working with them this evening.

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Thanks for the heads up. Will take my stuff home tuesday/wednesday next week :slight_smile:

@destom how do i get added to the woodworkers tag? I have sheets of ply in the ply storage area

Once you do the basic woodshop induction you get added to the woodworkers group in discourse

I did the induction in Oct/Nov, with @ryanf could I pls be added?

Found you, done