Will there be a Metal works induction this year?


I am interested in attending a metal works induction. Will one be held this year?
Is there a CNC machine that cuts metal like a laser cutter?

I hope it’s a YES :grinning:

Hi, surprisingly there’s no such thing as metal work induction. Historically, you can use hand tools in the metalshop without induction and we run ad-hoc inductions for larger machines such as drill press and bandsaw. The best way to start is to attend welding induction (currently held monthly) and/or come up with a metalworking project or just pop in for a chat. Just message one of @‎metaltechs

Strictly speaking, CNC is not our expertise and metal laser cutters are expensive and bulky machines, so if that is necessary it would be easier to order parts. Our mini CNC in arch1 is capable of cutting aluminium and brass with some limitations, also the new Sieg mill to the left of it would be able to cut steel when it is fully set up. Other than that, there are several different ways we can do cuts, including making tempates for plasma cutter, but they all would require some practice to do good.

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Hi Roman

Thanks for your reply. I have signed up to attend the next metal works induction.
I would love to get a proper head’s up about what is possible.

If I’m on the list, I will bring an example of what I hope to make.

Thanks again :slight_smile:


I’ll be in on Wednesday evening for open evening. If you’re around, drop by and I can show you what the metal area currently has to offer and you can see if it fits your needs. Maybe one of the other metal techs will be lurking around for a chat as well.

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I’ll put it in my calendar.
But what time exactly?

I can get there about 18:00 if that works for you.

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OK, thanks; I will see you then :slight_smile:

Hi Daniel

Thanks for the metalworks introduction this evening. It’s nice to know what all that machinery does. It was like a blast from the past :sweat_smile:

I’m sure one day, the metal works section will become futuristic.

Thanks again


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